Find Private Lenders Now – Automated Private Lender List

Hey, I got an email from one of our subscribers, Lara C. from MA, who wants to find private lenders through public records…

… without doing the online searches herself

… and without going to the courthouse

So I shot a little demo video of a tool that finds private lenders for you in ANY state that you want.

Basically, you just select the state, county, and date range… hit “search” and you’ve got a list of private lenders.

Check out my demo video below…

Pretty cool, ehh?

If you’re interested in automating your private lender finding, check out more info on the find private lenders now software tool.

Even if you’re not interested in it, click that link… there’s a video that goes over a lot more info than I did in my video.

If you have any questions, toss ‘em in the comment area.

Happy Automated Private Lender Finding! 🙂

– Patrick

P.S. – In a few counties in the US, you either A) can’t access private lender info through public records… or (b)it costs a lot for every record you look up.

If that’s you, this could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

A Note From – Advertisers and Recommendations – From time to time we’ll let you know about certain resources that we feel may help you reach your goals in real estate or life. All resources are ones we’ve personally looked at and reviewed before we felt confident to recommend them to our readers like you. With recommendations like this you should assume we are compensated in some way when you decide to buy, and just like with anything… you should do your own due diligence before you invest in anything to make sure it fits your goals.  Thanks for being an PMBP supporter and fan!

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10 Hour Wholesaler


  1. Patrick this appears to be the very same site as Find Cash Buyers.
    Are these really Private Lenders or is it the same service? Would appreaice knowing ASAP

    • Hey Murphy,

      Yep, these are really private lenders. When I did the search in the video for my 3 local counties in SC that I invest in primarily, I found a few loans from a local lender I’ve borrowed well over $1mm from.

      – Patrick

  2. Aren’t the majority of these “lenders” actually just carrying the notes on houses they own; ie wraps, and thus not actual money lenders?

    • Hey Mike,

      Good question.

      Yes, out of all of the private lending transactions… some will be people who lent cash to a borrower on a deal and some will be people who carried the note.

      Either way, these are both great prospects for private money… where a private individual provided a loan to a person… so these prospects are familiar with real estate, financing, and how it all works.

      If you want to segment your list so that you’re not contacting people who are carrying a note, you can definitely do that. Just look at the chain of title for a transaction… and don’t mail to the people who owned the property personally prior to becoming the lender.

      – Patrick

  3. Hey Patrick, is it OK to use this systen to contact privaate lenders without a perosnal introduction or getiing to know them first?

    • Hey Tim,

      I hadn’t released this info yet… but one of the bonuses we’re including for anyone who invests in the Finding Private Lenders Now (FPLN) software is our two direct mail templates that we use when contacting private lenders through public records… our “friendly meeting” letter and our “buyer’s list strategy” letter.

      These letters are designed to “get your foot in the door”… and focus on building a relationship with the prospect FIRST.

      – Patrick

      P.S. – To get these bonuses, for anyone who decides FPLN is right for you, email your receipt Charity at support [at] privatemoneyblueprint [dot] com … and she’ll send the letters on over.

  4. Hey Patrick,

    Does this software work in Canada? If not do you have any plans to develop one for Canada?


    • Hey Jim,

      The software is only set up for the US right now. You could use it to find private money in the US and deploy the funds in Canada for your deals. Definitely get good legal advice if you go that route… with it being across international borders.

      We’ve looked into the Canada public records but haven’t found a way to search them like the US yet.

      – Patrick

  5. You push another software program, Freedomsoft, or something like that, which do you prefer?

  6. Hello Patrick,

    Is this software include Private lengers in Puerto Rico?

    Best regards,


  7. I love this software demo and plan on using.Thanks

  8. I was trying to tab in to the find private money lender. but it doesn’t work for me. is there any other way you can help me

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