“Inbound Arbitrage” Testimonials
Hey there…
Coming at you is a brand new and unique real estate investing opportunity — and let me be honest: It’s a super-smart (and profitable) idea for both newish and seasoned real estate investors!
Check this out…
In the comfort of your home, you can follow along with easy-to-understand, detailed steps of how to earn recurring income through real estate investing regardless of whether or not a real estate transaction goes through.
It’s true!
But not only that; with this fantastic and easy to learn strategy, you can choose to do it on the side to earn additional income or dive into the deep end and have it become your full time job.
Sounds sweet, right?!
Well, now newbie and even more seasoned real estate investors can do just that with Inbound Arbitrage by Rob Swanson.
So yeah, safe to say I’m pumped to share Rob’s Inbound Arbitrage training program!
Because it’s a brilliant step-by-step walkthrough of how you can acquire and sell real estate leads — again and again and again.
Plus, you will learn how to build your platform so that real estate investors in your area will see you as the go-to source for real estate leads now and in the future.
Best of all: Rob will teach you all of this, step by step!
In Inbound Arbitrage, Rob teaches you everything you need to know about real estate leads and dishes out loads of tools, resources, and more goodies to help you get off the ground with your first real estate lead.
We’ve got expert guidance and tons of demos, so you can be generating income through this strategy in no time.
Inbound Arbitrage: The Goods
In Rob’s jam-packed training program with a series of video modules, he breaks down the Inbound Arbitrage program into easy-to-follow video presentations that show you how to profit from real estate leads now and in the future — with zero risk!
Here’s the best part: After you finish all the easy-to-understand yet comprehensive training, you can start taking action on what you learn right away.
Yeah, like now!
Because let’s be honest … It’s a super-effective real estate investing strategy where you don’t have to own property to profit.
Take a gander at what this is …
Inbound Arbitrage: What in the world is it?
The training is broken down into the following video presentations, or as we like to call them, modules:
- Kick Start
- The Platform Principle
- Lists vs Leads
- ABCs of Selling Leads
- Decide What to Sell
- Determine Your Prices
- Start Getting Lists / Leads
- Setup Lead Capture
- Sell & Collect Money
- Start Marketing For Leads
- Selling Sand in the Desert
- 5 Ways to Find Buyers
- Scaling Your Profits
Whoa, that’s a lot of modules!
That’s because Rob walks you through the entire life cycle a real estate lead, to acquiring it, marketing it, and selling it.
Look — this training is loaded with incredible actionable information.
Inbound Arbitrage Testimonials
Rob Swanson is the real deal. An active real estate dealmaker & Inbound Arbitrage expert, Rob has helped 100,000+ in-person, online, & 1-on-1 coaching in real estate investing.
If that’s not enough, he’s been investing in real estate for 25+ years in 20+ states, 30+ cities.
His ‘super-powers’ include making a complex subject like real estate investing “so simple anyone can understand & benefit from it,” and crafting the very best systems, top-shelf tools & modern-day strategies.
But don’t just take my word for it. Here are a few testimonials that speak for themselves.
“Rob is a Good Dude!”
Not only do they supply the tools you need to be successful, they teach you how to use them. Their support staff is fantastic both on the phone and electronically. Rob has taken things beyond the next level. I’ve never met him, but I feel like he truly is a good dude!
– Charles O
“Rob Truly Cares”
Rob Swanson is a genuine guy who cares about his community.
– Joe
“So Helpful for Newbies”
Rob and his staff are agile in helping us business owners adapt to the ever changing real estate environment with their trainings… Very much appreciated.
– Larry
You personally walking a novice real estate investor through the entire process was one of the best tutorials by any teacher. From how to create the list to grouping a working list, to analyzing and more importantly making fast offers…incredible.
– Kevin
Thanks so much for offering this opportunity to be the best!
– Patsy
“Absolutely Incredible.”
You are genuine guys who will do what you can to help me succeed.
– Gordon G
Ready for Inbound Arbitrage?
I’m pretty sure you’re gonna say yes…
Begin here: Take a look at this official press release to learn even more about Rob’s awesome training program to see if his Inbound Arbitrage method is right for you.
(I’m thinking it is!)
And, with Rob’s training, you’ll have everything you need to get started acquiring and selling leads with zero risk from the comfort of your own home … no real estate contract, inspection, or tenant required!
When you follow Rob’s training — you’ll become the go to source for real estate leads.
Pretty sweet, right?
Well, I suggest you take a look at Inbound Arbitrage by Rob Swanson. You’ll love his strategy… just like the folks who shared their powerful testimonials.
You’re headed right towards zero-risk profit in real estate! 🙂