The Big PROBLEM With Getting Private Money

Hey, I shot a DEEP content training video for ya. I walk through the BIG PROBLEM with getting private money.

And it’s not what you think. <—- prepare for an AHA 🙂

I’ve been in the trenches as a full time private money getter for like 8 years… and have worked with thousands of investors who want private money for their deals… desperately!

I’ve figured out how this private money game is played… so let me show you how it’s done.

You’re about to learn my proven 3-step process for getting all the money you want and need for your deals.

Class is in session. So grab a pen. And watch the video below…

So… what did you think? Powerful stuff, ehh?

To Download Your Loan Offering Template

Step 1: Post your commitment to PMBP’s proven 3-step private money process in the comment area below. Because without that commitment, the loan offering template won’t do you any good.

Step 2:  Our Chief Member Experience Gal, Charity, will be emailing the template to everyone who comments. Keep your eye out for an email from Charity with the template attached. You should receive it in the next couple days. If not for some reason, shoot an email to support [at] privatemoneyblueprint [dot] com… and we’ll make sure to get it over to ya.

Alrighty, this is just the first in-depth video we have for ya. Next, I’ll walk through the FEARS that will hold you back from successfully implementing PMBP’s 3-step private money getting process.

Happy Investing!

– Patrick

P.S. – Was this training helpful? Did you give ya that AHA moment? Let me know in the comment area… AND share this with people you love and care about. Because if this helped you, it’ll probably help them too. 🙂

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10 Hour Wholesaler


  1. I will commit to the private money blue print

    • Great! Glad to have you on board Arthur.

      – Patrick

      • Mele Kalikimaka from the islands. Great content from one of the few “givers” in the industry. Look forward to the next video. Aloha Mark

      • GreAT STUFF..Changed e-mail..less traffic ..Hook me up with the three steps and blueprint..
        Thanx, Phil

      • Very cool stuff. Thanks for sharing

        • Great info. Thank you!

      • Great info,, keep up the good work

      • You are the guru out of the box. You give before you take. Keep it up. I am totally committed to PMBP.

        • Really like the simplified 123 approach. Great info. I have the PMB already will review for a refresher. Thanks again.

      • Hi can you do this from Canada

      • Patrick, the approach you use is the best I have come across. I do indeed accept the challenge and look forward to being part of your business family.

      • Ridd you are always ahead of the pack.

        Mister Tee

      • I will ready for Private money blue print and be successful

      • I am really enjoying these videos.

      • I need a lot of help identifying and calling upon private money investors. HELP!!!

      • I will commit to the private money blue print

      • Awesome stuff! Looking forward to putting the template to work!

      • Great content. Loved the insight that private money lenders need to be motivated just like sellers.

      • I will like to commit to raise Private Money with your template.

      • Great stuff can’t wait to get the template.

      • Pat,

        Your absolutely dead right i have let the cat out of the bag way to early to many times.

        Thanks for the video hope to see more soon!

      • Great video, can this work for me, I live in Canada.

      • I am committed pkease send the template.

      • I’ve reviewed you info… please send your temples for my review! I’ve been involved with private funding for over 35yr.. Wonderful business! Look forward to your response… 2-Days! Really! I can fund a clean privet loan in 2-days! I don’t understand why it takes you 2-days to send a simple template? Efficiency, diligence and speed, is key in Funding! 2-days hurts your creditability right out of the shoot. Send it I want to see if you any good!! Much luck, David

      • I will commit to the 3-step process for getting private money.

      • I commit

      • Knowledge is power!

      • yer trustworthy, so I commit

      • How do I get started?

        • The template has been emailed to yyou. 🙂

      • It sounds great, I am ready for PMPB

      • Biggest mistake is giving them all the candy without finding out more of their specific investments they are doing at present.

        Looking forward to using your template.

      • I review all of the training several times just to make sure that I didn’t miss a thing.
        Thanks Patrick

      • thx for so much insigh into pmlending

      • I’m fully committed to the private money blue print

    • Hey Patrick

      Thanks for the info/with the right tools who wouldn’t commit.
      Please forward the template.

      thanks again for all your info and input!

    • Thank you for the information Patrick, I will follow your next videos!

    • Will commit to 3 step process. Great video. Looking forward to next videos.

      • I will commit to 3 step process

    • Patrick, great stuff you are a
      God send keep up the good work and keep providing this wonderful information

      Looking forward to the template…


    • Hi Patrick, I’d like to put the process in motion also, please send the presentation to help get started

    • Patrick I will commnit to the 3 step plan. I really would like to be come a student please tell what I need to do to become part of the team. Thanks man!

      • This is great info! I look forward to the next video

    • thanks Patrick great info

    • Thank’s Pat,good stuff,alway’s enjoy your input.

    • This is great Patrick. I just wanted to see this. I would like to have the website built for me asap. Also, this is an eye opener to me.
      Thanks once more.



    • great info,I will commit to private money blueprint.
      Thank you for all your videos.

    • Great info! The deals are there, it’s just a matter of getting them funded. And I would like the loan offering template 🙂

    • sweet

    • Great video Patrick. We are trying to raise capital for a $3 million dollar commercial deal. I look forward to using your private money presentation..

    • Will review more once I have the PMBP’s blue prints and thank you for the 3 steps process video.

    • Really enjoyed all the information. Getting ready to join.

    • I commit to finding private lenders using the 3 step process.

    • This was awesome!! I accept the challenge! -JE

    • Patrick Riddle

      You and your tactics are very impressing. You help me to feel empowered. Right now I am going through some life changes and I feel that just by sticking with the Pros such as yourself I cannot go anywhere else in my success other than up to the top. I am so ready to tackle this three step process. I am not going to lie I do feel a little timid and I am going to have to practice in the mirror or with someone a few times to get comfortable, but I know once I do. I will make you proud lol. Thank you so much for this spectacular opportunity. I am looking forward to learning and my future success.

    • I will commit to the private money blue print.
      I enjoyed your training video.

    • Would you email me the template?

    • Great Content! I will have to get private money blueprint.

    • Thank you Patrick for this valuable information, I too have not been successful in getting private money loans lately.
      I will commit to your 3 step approach. Thanks again,Valerie

    • This is a very useful INFORMATION, THANK YOU!!

    • AHA!!!! The 3 steps are I believe are the key stay the course to raise private money. Thank you Patrick as all ways you under promise and over deliver. I am committed to staying on the step course.

    • I’m commiteed to the three step process!

    • Patrick, I really enjoyed the information you shared. I believe that it will help me to launch forward in this business. Thank you!

    • Thanks looking forward to more because this was great

    • Hello Patrick,
      I’m fully committed to the Private Money blueprint.

      Best regards,

    • will commit to the private money blue print

    • Sounds great to me. I look fore to receiving the template.

    • I commit, great program to use.

    • I am currently looking for 75,000 to Hundred thousand for project.
      Project: 71/2 acres with a house to be converted into offices, additional property to be split into commercial lots.
      Please call.

      Vernon Dwyer
      850 307 7217

    • I enjoyed the presentation and look forward to seeing the blueprint.

    • I will commit to following the 3 steps of the PMBP. Thanks Patrick for the great strategies.

    • This is great. Good way to approach potential lenders.

    • Thank you for the great article. Thanks for sharing, I am committed to PMBP.

    • I am so committing to PMBP 3 step process as it’s one of my way forward with real estate.

    • Good stuff, let me see the template.

    • Looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing the valuable info for newbies like me.

    • Don’t have the private money blue print but enjoyed the blog and want to get started.

    • I am committed to your 3 step process. Please
      send the template.

    • Interesting video, thank you

    • looking forward to seeing the template, thanks

    • I like your presentation. I am looking forward to much more in the future.

    • i will commit to the private money blueprint

    • Good refresher material for sales prep and execution.

    • I will commit. I look forward to using the template thank you!

    • Great content on video. Thank you Patrick!

  2. great information love it….. Cheers Denny

    • Hey Denny, thanks man.

      – Patrick

  3. I will commit to getting private money three step process. Please send the template. Thanks

    • That’s what I like to hear Barrington. Our Chief Member Experience Gal, Charity, is going to send the template out soon. You should receive it by tomorrow.

      – Patrick

  4. Good info. Very helpful. Thanks.

    • You’re welcome Dave. Thanks for joining the conversation here.

      – Patrick

  5. I purchased Private Money Blueprint a few months ago-NOW I wish to get started. Thank you Cliff

    • Clifford, congrats on being a Private Money Blueprint member. You’ve got everything you need… the tools, templates, scripts, systems… plus our support.

      Let us know how we can help. Now let’s get you some private money for your deals!

      – Patrick

      • I am commited to your 3 step process for raising private money

  6. I will commit to the program. but I really want to learn how to do PPM’s

    • Hey James,

      The process that I covered in the video… 1) big picture and pain, 2) the formal appt, 3) follow up with “the right” deals… can be applied to PPM”s.

      There are some differences in the structure, paperwork, transactional steps… but I would suggest using the same basic process.

      – Patrick

  7. Patrick, Thanks so much for the helpful training. In the past I have covered these steps with potential lenders, but not in the right order. I am excited and committed to using your format. Please email me a copy of the loan offering template.

    • Awesome! Great to hear Lisa.

      Charity, our Chief Member Experience Gal, will be sending out the template. You should receive it by tomorrow. Enjoy 🙂

      – Patrick

  8. Patrick,

    Thank you for posting this breakdown of your straightforward and effective process. Your generosity, which is evident from the valuable coaching, tools and other resources you provide, is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks again

    • Hey SM,

      I appreciate the kind words. You’re welcome.

      Glad to help!

      – Patrick

  9. Hi, Patrick
    Your presentations are so simple and down to earth. No fluff. I commit to follow the three steps to private money acquisition as explained. I just closed on a deal for $38K where the appraisal came in at $107K. Not bad!

    • Alright Barbara! Congrats on the deal! … and on the commitment to the PMBP process. It works when you work it!

      – Patrick

  10. I have all of your books, and I 100% garentee I WILL get privet money…..


    • That’s right! Yes, you will. As William James said, “Belief creates the actual fact.”

      – Patrick

  11. I will commit to the 3 step process of getting private money and will schedule 2 appointments to make our presentation. Please send the template, I look forward to using it.

    • I love it Jon! You committed to the process plus 2 formal appointments. Nice!

      We’ll get the template to you. Charity will be sending it out by tomorrow.

      – Patrick

  12. Very cool info. I cannot wait to implement it. Looking forward to making 2012 my year.

    • Alright Robert… I’m gonna hold you to it. 2012 is going to be YOUR year!

      Let’s do this.

      – Patrick

  13. Thank you Patrick, I also have been guilty of “spilling the candy in the lobby” and have lost sight of one of the fundamental drivers human behavior, the need to avoid pain which is so subtly embedded in step 1. It has motivated me to rethink and retool the initial prospect approach that has usually turned people off from partnering with me. That being said, the only thing that seems to be missing between steps 2 and 3 is this answer to this question…what qualifies you (that hypothetical you would be me) as a subject matter expert in real estate investing?

    • Hey Michael, you’re welcome man.

      Yeah, we’ve all been guilty of spilling the candy. Love hearing that you’re rethinking and retooling your approach.

      Ok, good question about “what qualifies you as the expert.”

      Well, you definitely want to come across that you know what you’re talking about. But you don’t necessarily have to the “expert.” You can surround yourself with experts… and leverage their expertise as your own.

      Hire a Realtor or appraiser to help you value a property. Hire a contractor to evaluate and facilitate the repairs. And so on. And communicate the “WE” the “TEAM” approach to your private lenders.

      I did a video on using the principle of association to build credibility. It may give you some more ideas. You can check it out here…

      – Patrick

  14. I bought the PMBP awhile back and need to get to work. Thanks for sharing, Patrick.

    • Hey Gary, you’re welcome.

      Yep, time to get to work. You have everything you need man. Let us know if we can help with anything.

      – Patrick

  15. Great video Patrick. Thanks for the info, and sweet pad dude!

    I’ll get the ball rolling here. I definitely- fully committ to the PMBP 3 step process for recruiting private money. I look forward to you putting my picture up in a future video as a success story 😉

    • Yo Jacob,

      Good to hear from you. I bet you’ll have some kick butt results to share soon. And then you’ll probably have the whole process systematized (so you’re out of the equation) by the next day… haha.

      We uploaded the interview we did with you to the PMBP website and let our members know about it. We’ve gotten more good feedback.

      Be on the lookout… your pic might show up in a video soon.

      – Patrick

  16. Lookiing for the free loan offering template. Thank you

    • Hey John, our Chief Member Experience Gal, Charity, is going to be sending it to you. You should receive it by tomorrow.

      – Patrick

  17. Outstanding information….I will be using the template

    • Thanks John. Put the template… and the process to work for ya. It works!

      – Patrick

  18. Hello Patrick,

    My business partner and I have been following your content for a few months now and are committed to action in the Private Money game. Please send me your Customized Form so we can immediately put it to good use.

    All the Best & Happy Holidays

    • Hey Deric,

      I appreciate you and your partner studying our training. Great to hear you’re committed and you’re gonna put the “Loan Offering Template” to good use.

      Charity will be sending that to you. Keep an eye out for it by tomorrow.

      – Patrick

  19. good content but like so many that two grand plus thing just downright ugly. financing can be so tough even in the best of times. I have owned a small construction company for 23yrs now into the real money making end of the business

    • Hey man, we’ve had a lot of people who just studied our free stuff and have gotten private money. You can do it too!

      – Patrick

  20. Very interesting video,i’ve learn new stuff and wish to put it at work!

    waiting for free template

    wish you success

  21. Please send the template. I’m sure I’ll bump into someone that I’ll be able to use the private money 3-step process on to achieve my goals. The people I know who have money are making 12% to 15% on their money even in this terrible economy, so they aren’t in pain. They’ve told me they are not interested in investing in real estate. But I know there are others — I just need to find them. Thanks for your help.



    • Hey Gerald….there is a whole other group of people you may not be considering – people who have money sitting in an IRA or 401(k) that is performing miserably. Almost all of my private money partners fell into this category….and they wanted much better returns. Keep at it!

  22. Loved the content! We often “over-think the plumbing” and muck up the issue. Will try the three steps, thanks for the video and look forward to the template.

  23. love the content…I want to make this happen. please send me the template and keep me in the loop!

  24. That was great. I see that I need to do this 3 stage process. Thanks for the encouragement.

  25. Patrick, your information is first class.
    That’s because you know what you’re talking about.


  26. Hey P-Rid! This was a great training video (as usual)… already know I’m committed to this process and have used it several times successfully. I just want to encourage everyone to just take action. Period. You may stumble in your conversations a few times, but that’s ok. If you stick with the blueprint you will be successful…the only way to lose is to quit (or never start). Happy private money hunting everyone and thanks for the shout out Patrick! You guys are great!

    • Hey Shae,

      Thanks for the advice for everyone. Congrats on your private money success… keep up the good work!!

      – Patrick

  27. Patrick, Awesome! I am very committed.

  28. Great video! I got some experience raising private money! but I’ll commit to your private money blue print,because your way is better than any other I know!
    thank you

  29. Hi Patrick,

    Great content, looking forward to receiving the template and following the three step process.

  30. Hi Patrick:

    Great Info as usually and it always so simple but powerful. Yes, I do committ to the three steps process to attain private money for my RE deals, thanks again.

  31. Great information! I am committed to following the three steps. Please send me the form!

  32. Thanks for the straight forward info. I was just too bogged down in the details to get the big picture across. Thanks for the enlightnment.
    pls. send the template to show my prospects

    • Fantastic 3 pointer this is what i need for New Yorkers who are very suspicious! Send on Template need to get PM to do rehab deals.
      Thanks again Seamus

  33. Great content as usual P RID! Looking forward to learning more…

    I’m stuck on this like white on rice. Thanks for everything!

  34. Thanks for this informative video.

  35. Great video. Lately I’ve been throwing up on people and did not realize it. Thanks! I will commit to the three step process. Please send me the template.

  36. Hi Patrick,

    As a brand new investor, I’m committed to following the Private Money Blueprint. I’m confident that private money is the key to my real estate success! (Among others)



    Oh…and please send me the template!

  37. Thanks for the great information. Time to take action! I look forward to the next training video. Thanks again.

  38. As always, your educational content is the best. This video really does bring the whole process together and explains why it works. Thanks Patrick! Nice looking pad too!

  39. I just had my first signup on my website for Private Money, this three step process came just in time, please send me the template, so that I have something to send this lead, after I get the commitment. Thank you PMBP!

  40. Excellent content as always. The private money blueprint will make 2012 the best investing year ever. Looking forward to the template.

  41. Patrick, this is great content for raising private money and following your three step training. I’m committed to your PMBP. How do I get your form/template mentioned in your above training video? Let me in (motivated)on getting these private funding sources. Thanks for sharing.


    • Anthony, to get the form either sign up for it under the video in the post… or email our support and Charity will help you out…

      support [at] privatemoneyblueprint [dot] com

      – Patrick

  42. Patrick, thank you for your continuous stream of education and inspiration – it is generous & very much appreciated. How many successful real estate investors do this? Not many! Your 3 step process gives us tact and finesse. I think most all new investors tend to spill the beans (or candy!) too quickly, which looks unprofessional and awkward. I will commit to the three step process! Please send me the template! Thanks again Patrick.

  43. Good stuff. The point on getting the prospects attention & interest is important & something I have messed up on before. I will commit to implementing the 3 step process for getting private money.

  44. Patrick, thanks for the great info. I am committed to trying the 3 step process you outlined to help me locate private money in my area. I have found some great deals and all I need is access to the necessary funds to get the deals closed.

  45. Good info on establishing relations first. Staying committed to the 3 stage process. Thanks for the download……

  46. I liked your use of the “reluctant buyer” positioning and the qualifying questions to develop attention and interest. It’s a great tool to have the 3 step enrollment process rely on to make these private money commitments !

  47. Great info! Look forward to implementing these steps very soon.

  48. I have a house I bought at a tax deed auction, and would like to get my money out. I am committed using your 3 step private money process.

  49. I have used the 3 step and gotten the client smoothly through the presentation – however he won’t be liquid for several months. But he was interested. I am committed to using this this approach as I know it works. The problem is finding ready lenders among people I know as otherwise I would have to be registered.

    • Hey Angela, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Keep building relationships, setting up appointments, and taking people through the presentation.

      As you can see it works… so just focus on meeting with as many prospects as you can.

      – Patrick

  50. Great info….

    • Patrick – always enjoy your videos. Count me in! I’m committed to making this work. Steve

  51. Another Great training..I will commit to using the the 3 step process.. Thanks Patrick..

  52. hey patrick, thanks for the info. looking forward to the template

  53. I commit to the private money blueprint 3 step process. Please send template. Also, thanks for all the valuable content filled information you put out.

  54. Hey Patrick!
    Thanks for the great info. I have a meeting tomorrow to make an offer on a property in NW Washington DC and will be using your blueprint to secure private money to make it happen. You’re right. GOTTA TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!!! God Bless you in all that you do;-)


  56. Thanks, Patrick for the great information. I will be following this process.

  57. Patrick,

    From South Carolinian in Virginia, I will commit to the three step process. Thanks for sending the template!

    Happy Holidays

  58. Great stuff. Commit to the PMBP 3 step process. Thanks a lot!

  59. patrick, I will commit to the following the 3-step

  60. I commit to the 3 steps to make it happen. Please send me the blueprint template.



  61. Been sitting on the sidelines when it come to private lenders but I can’t any more. Such sweet opportunities come my way and I need help with it. Patrick, I’m very committed to taking action. Also I can’t find the powerpoint presentation from you that I got 3yrs ago so I would love to have anything now

  62. I like what you are doing thank you

  63. Thank you so much. Very helpful information. Looking forward to receiving the template and putting it to work.

  64. thanks Patrick. My business partner and I will definitely work the three step process. Please send us the form. Great information and we are closing our first deal with private money this month. We are so excited about this. We want this to be the beginning of many more.

  65. Patrick,
    Always great content. You definitely know how to do marketing. I will start using the 3 step process and see where it takes me. Can’t be any worse than what I am already doing. I would like some clarifications on the differences in your different programs also. Thanks!

    • Hey Paul,

      Glad you enjoy our content man.

      On your question about clarification on our different programs, Charity our Chief Member Experience Gal can help you out.

      You can email her at…

      support [at] privatemoneyblueprint [dot] com

      – Patrick

  66. Hi Patrick, what should do if I don’t have rich friend and family who have money to lend? How do I go above that to stranger?

  67. I will commit to applying this 3-step proccess

  68. Great video!! All of your videos have been great! I’m committed to execute the 3-step process. Thanks for all the valuable info you provide!

  69. Hi Patrick,

    Thanks for the extra tips. I’ll be using them for my first ever presentation this weekend. And yes, I’m committed to the three-step process. Please can you send along the offering template.

  70. Patrick,

    Excellent info.! I am definitely committed to following what works. The 3 step process looks like a winner. Thanks for sharing the wealth.

  71. Good content. Banks are tightening up, making it very tough to get funding right now for investors. Looking forward to your template.

  72. Thanks Patrick
    I’m commited to the 3 step
    I’d love to have the template

  73. Great info as usual – nice flips 🙂

  74. Thanks for the explanation…. not just the what, but the why.

  75. Good content. Looking forward to more.

  76. The 3 steps sound easy enough to commit to using, so count me in.
    I’ll let you know how it works.

  77. Ready to go! Please send the template

  78. Thanks Patrick! I met a retire at a BNI event and went through the PPT and told him I would let him now when I had a property in the pipe line, he may invest with me $50-150k! Thanks I am committed!

    • Whoohoo! Congrats John!!

      Keep moving forward. Use this as momentum for your next appt, and the next.

      – Patrick

  79. Thanks for the informative videos and the support. Please send me the template.

  80. AHA… great info Patrick. I’m looking forward to the next video.
    I’d love the template.

  81. This 3 step video was great! I can’t wait for the next video. Thanks for the template!!!

  82. Great,great,great tip.! I sure will commit to use it.

  83. Educational content provided in this video. Viewers should watch it multiple times. Listen attentively to what Patrick is teaching.

  84. Ya, wonderful content. I wonder if your tips will apply to million dollar commercial loans?

  85. I insist on using these steps!

    They work!

  86. Great content Patrick i am seriously considering purchasing PMBP as i believe that you are one of the few that actually know what your talking about. I rasise private moneyin small amounts now and believe your materials could help me to raise enough to complete the current projects we have on the board. Thx

    P.S. Please send template when you can. Thx again for your videos!

  87. good tips. appreciate it !!

  88. Hi Patrick! Great info on how to approach individuals looking for a better return on their money. I will definitely commit to these stepd, and take my business to a whole new soler system! Thanks!

  89. Great content, I’ll be putting the 3 step process in action very soon.
    Thanks again.

  90. Excellent video that’s what is needed needed to add to a growing library
    Thank you Patrick!!!

  91. The videos are very helpful. I committed to PMBP.

  92. Thanks for a great process video Patrick – like cooking it’s all about following the recipe!

  93. I will commit to following the 3 step process in obtaining private money.

    Thanks again Patrick for continuing to be such a blessing to your students and have a very bless holiday.

  94. Ver Informative! With the simple 3-step process – & your forthcoming template – I’ll work it till it works again & again !!!
    Thank you.

  95. Thanks for the education Patrick. Like always I appreciate the content provided and I hope to work with you on some major deals in the near future.
    I WILL commit to your 3 steps.


  96. Thanks for more great information.
    I will commit to these steps.

  97. Thank you for being there for us.

    • great stuff

  98. Thank you very much Patrick. I am ready to commit to these learning techniques.

  99. I’m commitmed to follow rhe 3 simple steps you outined in the video
    I’m new to the program so I’m still working through the matirial.
    so I woud ike the Loan Offering Template
    thanks again
    Mark Mead

    • Hey Mark, as you study and implement the PMBP system, let us know if we can help you with anything.

      – Patrick

  100. Patrick, thanks for all the great information. I appreciate your passion in helping people find a way to make it happen.
    I’ll be happy to commit to the three simple steps to make it happen for myself.
    Thanks again.

  101. Patrick
    i commit to use the private mondey blue print.

  102. Patrick,

    I have been in the real estate investing business since 1989 full time and I still am learn from you.

    Thank you,


  103. This video is very timely for me! I will commit to the three step process!!

  104. Great info.

  105. And one more thing. About four years ago I became a Private Money Blueprint member. And guess what, I haven’t done a thing about it… SHAME. This video has stirred me up to take action, because I’m walking away from many many great deals because of no money to invest. Wow! Thanks Patrick…

    • You’re welcome Paul.

      And don’t beat yourself up. Time to take action now and utilize everything you have access to as a PMBP member.

      Let us know if we can help you with anything. We’re here for your support 100%!

      – Patrick

  106. great stuff again patrick. i am commited to your system. thanks again.

  107. Your message…

  108. Looking forward to using This information.

  109. I will commit to using the private money blueprint 3 step process!!


  110. Hey Patrick
    You’ve always got the good stuff. Keep it coming!

  111. Great video, right to the point. I’ll commit to follow your 3 simple steps. Thanks.

  112. Patrick,
    Thanks,I’ve been working with investors for the last year and they
    keep letting my partner and myself down. Our New years pledge is to work
    with a better client, and start looking for new Investors,Any Help would be highly appreciative.We will commit to using your BLUE PRINT!!!!

  113. I will commit to using the 3 steps! Please send the template, and keep up the great work!

  114. Good stuff – Am committed!

  115. The three step plan is GREAT advice! Keep it simple, point out their pain, and MAKE THEM WANT IT. If I could only remember that when dating….
    Thanks for shooting me that template!

  116. I will commit to the private money blue print

  117. Dear Patric,
    U are always giving informative videos shot as real life style. I do pay attention on all your emails sent & some times see then twice.
    Good Luck.

    Manu Kapoor

  118. Yep. I’ll DO the THREE STEPS!

  119. Excellent! In 3 Easy Steps has sold more products than any other promotion, because it is doable. I have to double down on PM. Its now or never. Thanks for short, sweet, and loaded.


  120. Super helpful. Newbie to your site and ideas, but ready to learn. Thank you.

  121. Precised and to the point. Great wealth of advise. Three steps PM Blueprint committed.

  122. Patrick; i hate sales,and you are right don’t just throw up on the customer,they definitely walk away i’ll commit to using these 3 steps they are proffessionaly and tactful very smooth, send me the template.

  123. Im committed to the 3 steps great stuff

  124. Awesome stuff P Rid! On your previous email on bulk reo I replied with question about doing it in Canada but I think it was discarded by your autoresponder.

    • Hey Ang, hmmmmm not sure what happened.

      Feel free to email our support directly at…

      support [at] privatemoneyblueprint [dot] com

      – Patrick

  125. Patrick,

    Much appreciate your PMBP and the videos. Completely committed to the PM three step process. I look forward to your next presentation.

  126. Make lots of sense. The key is the relationship that allows the lender to trust you.

    Thanks Patrick

  127. I agree to commit to the 3 steps process.

  128. I am going to follow the process for sure. Have my first appt booked Monday! Please send the Loan offering template. What else will I need? Never have done a private money transaction before.

    • Hey Alan,

      Congrats on booking the 1st appt! If you haven’t received the loan offering template via email, you can grab it in the post above by entering your name and email address.

      Ok, what else will you need?

      Here’s a resource for you…

      Start with “Bonus Video 1.”

      – Patrick

  129. Patrick,
    Awesome info…committing to the 3 step process makes perfect sense…I’m in. Thanks

  130. the three step process is the best training I have seen can’t wait to get started. Thanks for the free gift.

  131. Great info. but I point that needs to be make is that we need to promote
    yourself as a fund manager not as a real estate investor.

    This works great when meeting possible new client/lenders.

  132. I’m committed!

  133. Patrick,
    Thanks for allaying some of my fears.
    I am committing to follow your 3 step process to obtain private money.

  134. As always good stuff, I’m committed!

  135. Show me the template!

  136. The three step plan is GREAT advice! Keep it simple, point out their pain, and MAKE THEM WANT IT. I will commit to getting private money three step process. Please send the template. Thanks

  137. Great content. I have a source for some funding but I need private money lenders as well your method sounds like a win/win for sure. Looking forward to your template.

  138. Hey Patrick– Thanks for the quick reminder about the process. I know that the process works and I am actively using it to recruit mare private money for active deals I’m working on right now and for future deals. The template for the loan offering sounds awesome.

  139. Patrick, you are simply great with this info, I love the way you share info freely, but don’t pimp your product the way others do which gives you a lot of credibility. I am excited to implement this process back in Colorado. I will hereby commit to the 3 step process and look forward awesome content from you in the future. Thanks for doing this!


  140. Hi Patrick,

    What a great training! I learned more in this 19 minute video about private money then I have in a long time. I am committed to building a successful real estate business using private money, and would love to receive your Loan Offering Template.

    Thanks Again!

  141. Patric, solid info and I will commit to the three step process, I like the soft but strong flow.


  142. Great presentation re: PM please send to [email protected]

    Thanks so much Merry Christmas

  143. I commit to building relationships and utilize the prospects “Hot Button”
    investing style to build my Private Money Investor list. Please send my Loan Offering Template. Thanks for the great tips Patrick.

  144. Patrick, Thank you so much for the helpful training. The three steps are so simple and logical and therefor so easy to mess up. It is so important to do the steps inthe right order with potential lenders. I am excited and committed to using your format. Please email me a copy of the loan offering template.

    Thank you,


  145. Thank you for the info. I want to build relationships with prospects to build my Private Money Investor list.

  146. THANKS for your help. Process makes sense and look forward to using it within the next few days! I appreciate the content you ALWAYS provide.

  147. Hi Patrick,

    I think that I’ve been spilling the beans to soon. I like your 3 step program and I’m not just commited I’m “Gung Ho” Thanks and I’ll see you at the top soon.

    Thanks Again,


  148. I’m in. Let’s get moving on the 3steps. Now on to conquer the fears. I’m committed.

  149. Holy Cow, COMMITMENT…!! ..Ok, you got it. I commit. If ever I want to call my own shots, I have to move pass the fear..which leads me to saying I’m looking forward to the next vid..!
    Send on the loan offerring template 🙂

  150. Great and helpful information as usual. I’ve gotten some private maney but not anywhere near as much as I would like and after seeing this I think part of the problem is I’m spilling the beans to soon.

  151. Oh and I commit to following the 3 step process. 🙂

  152. Patrick;

    Excellent job reviewing the 3-Step method of getting private money!
    I will use these steps as soon as I have a deal to fund. (I’m brand new to real estate investing.)

    Thank you.


  153. Patrick…As usual Bro. awesome video!
    1. Watch video
    2. Commit
    3. Implement

    Done…Thanks again

    Big D

  154. I am totally committed to 3 step process.
    You are just getting better!
    Template me, please

  155. Hey guys and gals! Thanks for the great comments!

    Because we were overwhelmed by all of your awesome comments and requests for the Template… my assistant Charities fingers are almost falling off from typing all of those emails to y’all!

    So, we put a form on this page that you can just put in your name and email to and we’ll send you automatically the template.

    Thanks again 1 I love seeing these kinds of comments from people! Confirms why I do this 🙂

    – Pat

  156. Great video Patrick!!! I think I might know the guy you’re talking about in the video … we have raised millions in private funds since that call a few years ago so THANK YOU.

    When I got on stage at the Investor Forum in Vancouver last month I shared that same story to about 300 people. Unfortunately it sounds better coming from you because I just don’t do your lovely accent half as well as you. 🙂

    Seriously … thanks for all you do!!

    • Haha… hope Dave doesn’t mind us picking on him a little bit 🙂

      Wow! Great to hear you’ve raised millions in private money since that call. Love it!!

      You’re welcome.

      If we can ever help you and Dave with anything, let us know.

      – Patrick

  157. As usual great job Patrick!!!

    • I appreciate it Ken. Thanks!

      – Patrick

  158. Great stuff!!

    Definitely going to implement the three steps.

    Thank you!

  159. Thanks, Patrick. You always have such helpful information to share. I look forward to the next video. Watch-Learn-Do!

  160. Sounds like something I can and will do. Thanks for the info…

  161. Great info can not wait to see template

  162. This has been the one thing holding me back these past 6 years in biz. I commit!

  163. Wow, it sounds great and I will definitely try your 3 steps. Thanks for your template offer!!!

  164. Thank you for the great content. Keep up the good work!

  165. Impressed with the strategy and look forward to becoming a member of the PMBP club!

  166. Great video I’m so ready yo commit to 3 step blue print !!

  167. Hi Patrick,

    I will commit to the Private Money Blue Print 3 Steps Process.
    I need to make some definitive actions in my real estate business and my life.
    Thanks you for giving me this knowledge that I can go out and implement.

  168. I will implement your 3 steps Patrick. I love this method as its not selling but more in presenting. Thanks for your generous offer.

  169. What about the SEC, dont we have to summit some info. or some form to the SEC to let them know what we’re doing in our real estate business?

    • Hey Siddiqq,

      That depends on several things… your business model, how you’ll be structuring your private lending opportunities, your area, etc.

      The simplest way to structure a private loan is to do a 1 to 1 transaction…. meaning 1 private lender per property. But you still need to get with an SEC attorney to get good legal advice.

      – Patrick

  170. Hello Patrick, Really excited to learn more and get some of that private money . I have spoken to some people already with no success and ready to learn the right way to present information. Thanks Chip

  171. Great information! I am committed to following the three steps. Please email the form!

  172. If I don’t change what I’m doing right now, then I WILL be committed – by the nice young men in their clean white suits.
    Ya’ll have heard the definition of insanity, “doing the same thing time after time and expecting to get different results.”
    I’d rather commit to Patrick’s system, than to be committed by the crazy crew.
    How about you?

    • I would rather you commit to the PMBP process too J! 🙂

      If I can help you with anything, let me know.

      – Patrick

  173. This sounds awesome. I am committing to following the 3 step private money process. Please email me a copy of the loan offering template.

  174. Great information as usual. You are always so helpful. Thank you for your continued support for the beginning investor, Chris

  175. great feeling we get with this real presentation were ready to go

  176. I’ll be committed… no wait, I’ll commit. That sounds much better.

  177. Thanks for the info. I’m all in! Can’t wait for the next video

  178. My God… This should save me hours upon hours of banging my head on the wall trying to figure out what private investors want from me!
    Thank you so much!!!

    • haha… you’re welcome Cordell!

      – Patrick

  179. Well, I suppose I knew that I was already subscribed, as you informed me. However, I have not received the template you advertized both here and in your other emails to me. I would like to receive the template. I have not decided to join the training group, because I am a bit short on cash. I’ll give that greater thought when I seek how I am treated on this request. Thanks in advance. Larry

    • Hey Larry,

      To grab the template, there’s a form in the post above where you can put your name and email. Then, we’ll send it to you as an attachment.

      I also forwarded your comment to Charity in our office to help you.

      If you have any questions or need additional help, email us at support [at] privatemoneyblueprint [dot] com. Thanks.

      – Patrick

  180. Thanks Patrick, for the resources of using private money to fund deals. Could you talk more about commercial real estate private money lenders, and what they are looking for in funding commercial real estate deals?


    • Hey Anthony, you’re welcome.

      Private lenders are just regular people who want a better return on their money. It’s your job when you meet with a prospect to walk them through your private lender presentation and explain your business model, what type of properties you purchase, etc.

      So just customize the presentation for your niche (commercial real estate).

      – Patrick

  181. Wow P Rizzle. Thats how the Big Dogs do it….Im on the PMBP Cruise Ship

  182. ready to commit

  183. This is a great system. I have a closing Friday will buy course and upgrade my membership after that. Thanks

  184. please email me a copy of Loan Offering Template.

  185. Great video thanks.

  186. I’m committed. Thanks for that 3 step system.

  187. Good stuff gotta have it!

  188. PLeas esend me the good stuff

  189. Brilliant! Once in a while you unearth a nugget. Referred to you by Dave & Julie. Thanks a $million$!

    • Thanks MRiou! Julie and Dave area awesome! You’re in good hands 🙂

      – Patrick

  190. Great Stuff keep up the good work

  191. I love this message. I’m committed to working it and getting more private money.

    • That’s great to hear Larry. Let me know if I can help you with anything.

      – Patrick

  192. Great stuff. The 3 step process is my commitment.

  193. Please forward me the template. I am ready to get started bringing in private money. I love the three step process.

  194. Very helpful info here. Looming forward to planning my calls and talking with Private Lenders.

    Thank you and keep the info coming Patrick.

  195. Please send me the template. Thanks.

    • Hey David, will do. You should get an email from Charity from our support with the template.

      If you don’t get it for some reason, email our support at… support [at] privatemoneyblueprint [dot] com

      – Patrick

  196. Hi Patrick –

    Great and imformative video! I’m committed to the 3-step process.

    And would love to have the loan offering template.

    Thank you!


  197. Thanks for the template – good find!


  198. I will commit to the program. I can see there is a lot to learn. Simplicity, directness seems to be one of the keys.

  199. I would love to have your loan offering template. I have bought and sold lease options and contracts since I was 19 and the hardest thing for me is to have the exact paperwork right because if you don’t then all your profits will end up in someone elses pocket and you just did all the work and made the profit for them. You can’t get paid in real estate if the paperwork isn’t exact. Thank you very much.

  200. Great information Patrick, having all the puzzle pieces and knowing which piece goes where make this an incredible process. Thanks for all that you share.

  201. Thank you for the Loan Offering Template. I hope to improve our success rate with PM lenders.

  202. Hey Patrick, thanks for this video. After all this time, I finally JUST GOT IT! LOL! Yup! I’m committed! Now when’s the next video? Hurry up cuz I’m ready to go! Lol! I’m so excited!

    Thanks so much for what you do for all of us.

  203. Commitment? You got it! Just got done reading “Secrets of a Millionaire Mind” Think I had some ahh haa from reading it and now its time for some no alot of massive action! Thanks for your help.

  204. Patrick, what a great video,I am committed to using the three step process to get Private Money. Thank you for the Loan Offering Template.

  205. Patrick,
    I wish I would have heard about you while I still lived in Charleston. Anyway, to prove my commitment I have already secured an appointment with a syndication worth $2,000,000 through one of my previous landlords – I wrote down 10 people I knew that I thought could help me, he was one of them.

    Maybe we can meet next time in Chuck Town,
    David Monroe

  206. I commit to the 3 step process!!! I’ve made my notes and listened to the video a few times. Awesome-ness…

  207. Hi Patrick, I love your simple and easy system! Thank you for sharing your tips and videos! I would really like a copy of your Offering Template. I am up in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and am wondering if your system and tools would work here!!!! Thanks again, Jake

    [email protected]

  208. Thanks for providing the information.

  209. I love the concept, looking to get the system in the future>

  210. Great Video. May I please have a copy of the template.

  211. I’m doing a training with my REIA tonight on getting the funding for deals and part of it will be taking the 3 steps in the right order. Thanks, Patrick– it all makes sense and works.

  212. Hi Patrick, I am committed to using the 3 step process you outlined in your great video.

    Thanks! Dean

  213. Great information. Would love a copy of the template to try

  214. I commit to doing everything it takes to add new private lenders to my portfolio, following Patrick’s system!

  215. Patrick,

    You are doing a lot of good for real estate investors. Thanks for all the great information


  216. Patrick, I love your stuff. Thank you for sharing.The offering form will be a real bonus. Real cool man!

  217. Patrick, Thanks for the video. I’m commited to obtaining private money and I would like you to send the loan offering template asap.


  218. Hey Patrick, Your info is ALWAYS GREAT! I have actually put together a video by modifying the Power Point Presentation you gave us awhile back and am using to send to my contacts and as a presentation as well that I can share manually. Thanks again for all your helpful info and videos. Can’t wait to get the Template and put that to use as well.
    Thanks again,

  219. I’m committed. Please send the template. I look forward to learning more!

  220. To bad my android has used up all of its 5 gig for the
    Month. Im sure the video was great I too will commit

  221. Patrick,

    I will absolutely be committing to this 3-step process, and I will be joining the private money blueprint as of next week! I’m pretty excited. You’ve been great in delivering incredible and extremely useful and helpful content that has already allowed me gather private money. I can’t wait until I’m a master of the trade like yourself. Thanks again Patrick.

    Bobby Freiler

  222. Thank you for the content

  223. Great info on your 3 step approach to raising Private Money ! I’m committed and I’m looking foward to receiving the Template.

    Thank you Dan

  224. Lots of good guidance coming from you, Patrick. Thanks.

  225. Thanks for the help Patrick, lookinjf forward to working thru the program.

  226. I loved the video, and will definitely implement the 3 step “Getting Private Money” system! I’m not only committing to using the 3 step system, but am committing myself to start when I’m done writing this comment, and to receive at least $100,000 in private money in the next 15-30 days! Thanks Patrick! I also commit to give back, when I become very successful, to helping educate others and helping PMBP, in any way needed or possible.

  227. I will commit to getting private money three step process. Please send the template. Thanks

  228. Thanks for the content Patrick, great stuff as usual. I look forward to recieving the template soon! I committ!

  229. Ha Patrick: The system really works if you work the system.
    I have been doing this a number of years and raised millions and millioons of dollars over the years.

    I would be glad to share some of my success and failures.I mean things not to do due to the serious problems it could bring you.

    I’ve been on top of the mountain and in the valley 3 times in the past 40 years.

    Things change along the way you just need to be willing to roll with the punches.

  230. i will commit to gettting the private money three step process also. Please send the template. Thanks

  231. I need private money for deeds!

  232. Thanks Charity in advance for sending me the loan offering template. I’m committed to the process as I did it incorrectly with a few prospects in the beginning. I secured my first private money a couple of weeks ago and looking to get more employing this process.


  234. Great info..Really enjoy listening.

    • Ready to commit! Let’s get started!

  235. Loved your short presentation. A lot of valuable info in 20 minutes. Some gurues would have take all day to say what you said in 20 minutes. Would like to get my hands on that “Loan Offering Template” if I could.


  236. Helpful information on the best way to get Private Lenders.

  237. Patrick
    I travel a lot for my job and have found that watching your informational videos while locked in the hotel at night is food for my brain. I will be making a presentation this week while on business in my brother and sister-in-law’s hometown. I’ll let you know how it goes.
    Q: How do you take several smaller investors and put them all into a larger deal? eg; 3 private lenders with $50k each for a property offered at $150k?

    • Glad you’re enjoying the content Joe.

      To use multiple investors on a single property, you could do a fractionalized trust deed. That may be the best avenue in the price range you’re in.

      For higher dollar amounts, setting up a syndication or pool would be the way to go to use multiple investors on a property. I focus on simple 1 to 1 transactions myself.

      Before moving forward, you should definitely get with an attorney to advise you on the set up.

      – Patrick

  238. I feel so fortunate to have recently found out about you and your team!
    I am 100% committed!

  239. Patrick I am absolutely committed to the three step process.

  240. Thank you for the information Patrick, I committed 3 step process. Great video.

  241. Great info. I will start using it right away!

  242. Patrick, I’m not only committed to this process, I’ve already made it work. In January I closed on an 18-unit apartment using the 325K I raised from my investors using your tools. We’re about to make the first distribution to them. I love sending out money! Now I’m looking for more investors and more properties. Thanks for all you do!

  243. All of Patrick’s videos are AWESOME, very informative!!!! 3 step process here I come.

  244. Hi Patrick,

    This is an awesome video and education, I’ve bought several of your and Susan’s courses over the time. I have studied and implemented some of the knowledge I gathered from both of you. This year I’m planning on going big with my investments and surely I could use more help from you. I will be in touch with you soon again, and am looking forward to getting the “template for offer”, you mentioned on this video email to me at; [email protected]. Thanks again, and god bless.


  245. I’m enjoying the videos and am ready to take the next step into the training process!

  246. Thanks from Los Angeles,
    Due in part to your encouragement, I now have funded a few deals with private money. I look forward to more of your timely information!

  247. We will commit to this program. Thank you Patrick. Also, my wife and I are going to get your PMBP this week.

  248. Very interesting, I’m very new but I’m committed to learn more. Thank you!

  249. Partick, great info . I’m a PMBM member and glad to to on board
    Thanks Partict.

  250. Please send me that offer sheet I need all the help I can get
    Thanks in advances


  251. Looking forward to reading the template! 😀

  252. I commit! The sooner the better!!!

  253. I got PmB a while back, and have yet to figure out how to really make
    money with it, but i know that Patrick has, and I am going to.

  254. Thanks Patrick, for reminding me again about using the 3-step process. I commit to using this process instead of “spilling the candy in the lobby” as in the past. Looking forward to receiving the template. Thanks, Again.

  255. Great Information as Usual Patrick,
    I will commit, for myself and for those I love.
    Thank You

  256. I’ll commit to the program. Thanks Patrick

  257. Great kick in the butts propaganda, sgt Patrick!
    I will definitely follow through it.

  258. Thank you Patrick for the very useful information! The template will be useful in presenting our deal to investors.

  259. Hi Patrick that was a great presentation on private lender a will follow through with it.

  260. Great information on getting, the right way to get private money

  261. Patrick…

    So happy I found this video. I’m new to investing and have been trying everything to get private money. Now I have this system … what out!
    I’m going to get 200k in private money in 60 days or less.

    That said, please send loan offering asap!


  262. Great Info love it.

  263. Thanks Patrick – always useful to get reminders.

  264. We will commit to this program. Thank you Patrick.

  265. very good info.i enjoy looking at your video’s and listening to your advice. Thanks

  266. Hi, Patric,
    I saw this once before but I don’t think it sunk in, but I think I got it now
    Thanks Again,

  267. Hey Patrick, I am committed to the private money process, Look forward to receiving the Loan Offering Template.

    • Thank you Patrick

      • Thanks Patrick, You put it very simple. Follow the 3-step process. I am sure the more I do it the more confidence I’ll have. Looking forward to the template. Thanks !

  268. Patrick Im committed to watch the 3 videos and not only that be able to go after 100K in teh next month .



  269. Thank you Patrick I’m Commitment

  270. love this will use it now,thanks Patrick

  271. I am committed to the private money process

  272. Outstanding information.Very interesting video.That was great,and a lots of good guidance coming from you,Partick.Thanks.

  273. I will commit to pmbp.

    I enjoyed the training program but I need to k,nown what to say to the lenders ,looking forward to your template.

  274. Thanks for the info I enjoy your videos alot of good stuff

  275. You make it easy,add the info you have provided + Action and find Funds!W

  276. I like your work. You got my commitment. I need to have the template.

  277. Patrick, I loved what you said on Step 2 when meeting with a prospect and “getting to know them”. Sounds basic, but SO important. You’ve reminded me that it is more about THEM and less about me. Thanks man.

  278. Oh, by the way. I COMMITT! (yes, I watched the whole video) How do you like my new Gravatar?? 😉

  279. I’m excited to learn more about how to get private money. Thanks for putting this together and sharing the template with us!

  280. Great content;exactly the information I need to launch the expansion of my real estate investment company’s buy and hold strategy of class B apartment buildings here in western New York;THANKS

  281. Hey Patrick, I am committed to the Private Money Process. Bring on the Template. Thanks for all the great information!

  282. Patrick-

    Yes, I’ll give the three step a try.

    Thanks, Chris

  283. I will commit to getting private money three step process. Please send the template.Thanks so much.


  284. Incredible stuff Patrick! I literally laughed out loud when you talked about the guy who was “throwing up” on his prospects because that’s unfortunately been me a couple of times. However, I’m now totally and completely committed to the PMBP 3-step process! Thanks for all the great info as well as the Loan Offering Template – much appreciated!

  285. So much to learn…Thank you for offering the template….Best Wishes

  286. Patrick, Thanks for the great info. As usual, your videos are so full of useful information and content. I will commit to the 3 step process. Please send the template. Thanks again!

  287. I commit to using the PMBP three-step process for getting private money. Lookin’ forward to it!

  288. Thanks for the inf. Very helpful. I am committed.

  289. I never new this kind of system ever existed. It gives me hope I will get some deals done. Great PMOD info.

    • Very well said in the way you laid out the process of your get me the money approach.

  290. Your message…

  291. I’m not crazy, just committed to the three steps process of Private Money Blue Print. Can’t wait to take action. Please send me the template. Thanks

  292. Committed to the 3 step process

  293. Your approach to getting investor money was very well said & laid out in your steps. Thank you for sharing

  294. Excellent content…I’m sure I’ll make this happen. please send me the template.

  295. I get it. You do have this nailed. Now to just give it a go.

  296. Great Info Patrick! I am definitely committed to this process of raising private money! Can’t wait to see & start using the template…Thanks!

  297. Great stuff Patrick. Secured my first private investor last year who slid me a cool 135k!!! Can’t wait to see this new template as I’ve perfected your private money powerpoint! I’m committing to at least 5 more investors!

  298. Hi Patrick,

    Thanks so much for the outstanding content you consistently provide for those who like myself—Raising private money is made really
    that much clearer the way you present it—i’m committed to raising private money –would dearly love to find private investors sooner rather than leter.

    Continued Success to You and Your Team

  299. I am finishing up preparations to use your PowerPoint presentation – minor tweaking to be in accord with our program, putting a couple of our deals in the sample slot and learning the script.

    I am committed to the 3 Step Process because it makes so much sense. I have tried the type of approach that you described that doesn’t work on a few of my friends and you are right it didn’t work so I stopped doing it. That was when I came in contact with you and PMOD through Freedom Soft.

    I am committed. Can’t wait to see and use the template.

    Many thanks! Keep up the good work!

    Kirby Smith

  300. I will commit to the 3 step process. Thanks for the video. I can’t wait to receive your on coming videos.

  301. Awesome information! I am committed to learning and sharing great investment opportunities. Looking forward to more great information.

  302. Great content! I will be using it in my approach.

  303. You have my commitment to this 3 step process of raising private money.

  304. I commit to the PMBP 3-step process.

  305. Thanks Patrick. another great vid from PMBP

  306. That’s a plan of action step by step word by word thanks p-rid

  307. Patrick, great training and insight as usual! Can’t wait to implement those strategies.

  308. Looking forward to putting the three steps into action and checking out the loan offering template. Thanks for your help.

  309. Thanks for the great information. I am ready to commit to the 3 step private money. They say that a journey starts with one step….I think mine will start with 3! Looking forward to the template and the next great video. Thanks again!

  310. We are new investors just starting out and really just educating ourselves on real opportunities. We really enjoyed the information you provided and we will definitely implement the 3-steps in getting private money.
    Thanks and we look forward to more informational videos like this one.

  311. Thank you for the information. I will committ to using the three step process. I have listened to the finding private money lenders locally and have not been able to make the systems work in utah. Can you help?

  312. I am committed to the private money process. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences….

  313. We are ready to take it to the next level ,we have over 1.2 Mil now need to take it to 10 Mil

  314. ALOHA Patrick!
    Thank’s again for another awesome (free) informational video. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to educate us.
    I have purchased your PMBP and absolutely love it! Your presentation video is very detailed with great opportunities for my potential prospects and myself. “It’s a win-win program”.

  315. Thanks for the great content, can’t wait to get started.

  316. great info very clear. the 3 step program was something I needed to to hear. Toin

  317. Thanks Patrick!
    I’m looking forward to securing Private Money.
    Hook me up!

  318. I am committed to working the 3 step process!!

  319. Patrick, Great information, That’s what is holding most of the students.With your kind blessings we shall conquer the path to freedom……


  320. Patrick, thanks a bunch! I am committed Looking forward to getting and using the template.

  321. Cool stuff.,

  322. I am committed to the private money process. I agree it is all about relationships. I will be following you a little more closely now. Thanks!

  323. What a boatload of knowledge you have given me, I truly appreciate it

  324. Thanks Patrick,
    Look forward to the template and future video’s and yes I will comit to this process……Private Money …yes

  325. I will commit to the 3 step please send me the template. I look fowrd to the other videos.

  326. Looking forward to the templates and Blue print. Thank you!

  327. i will commit to gettting the private money three step process also. Please send the template. Thanks!!!

  328. I am committed to the Private Money Blueprint, 3 step process. looking forward to my first deal very soon. Thank you for all the help.

  329. Hi Patrick, thanks for helping me with the 3 step process. Im looking forward to get a copy of your template as to be able to use what Ive learnt here in your video. Great stuff!

  330. Great advice Patrick! I am committing to changing my approach to incorporate your 3 Step Process today in preparation for several presentations later this week.

  331. I am committed to using your proven 3 step process for success.

  332. Thanks for the info. I am all-in.

  333. Great info! I’ll follow the 3 steps and will share any good news! (hope soon)

  334. It is such a simple thing to do, I will need to keep my enthusiasm out of the way so I don’t throw up on the poor guy.

    Educate – and get a couple by the end of June!!!


  335. great information love the videos!

  336. Thanks Patrick! Great stuff as always! I will commit to the three-step process.

  337. Hey Patrick,

    Great info as always! Looking forward to working the 3-step approach. Can’t wait to receive the loan offer template.

  338. Good stuff Patrick, I’m on My way.
    Thanks for your program and training.

  339. Good Information!!! Please send me the three step blueprint

  340. Hey Patrick
    I am very committed


  341. Patrick,
    Thx for providing the template. Looking forward to using it and following the 3 step approach.

  342. Great content and thanks for the info! I know the 3 step approach will be of great help.

  343. Hi , I joined your program this year. I have not really done much with it. but things have changed. I really want to do something about it. I want to get in there and start doing deals. I’m so serious about this. Please I need the template to start doing a change, and not letting these deals fall through the cracks. Your a great person and I want to be in there with you. I love the 3 step approach video. so much was a great help.

  344. Great information, thank you. Will commit to the training video. By the way, what kind of documents I have to prepare to work with private lender?

  345. You have my commitment that I will stick to the 3 step private money blueprint, private money getting process. I looking forward to receiving the Loan Offering Template to aid me in my journey.

    Thanks very much for the video and thanks in advance for the Loan Offering Template that’s coming!

    Steven Kay

  346. i will be committed to the three step process i found the information to be very helpful.

  347. Excellent info! Committing to the 3 step process…I’m in.

  348. So sick of things NOT working… ready to commit ! to something that does

  349. Patrick you are awesome. Always great information. Definitely will follow the 3 step process as people definitely tend to “throw-up” on prospects. Don’t want to be doing that now right? Also, love the power-point.

  350. Call me committed Patrick. Your guidance is priceless.

    Thanks a million Patrick

  351. Great content. Keep the videos coming!

  352. Good straightforward content. I agree that spilling everything up front does not work. I have been using the “elevator” pitch to peak interest in prospects. Have not had much success yet but keep working at it. I would like to get the download for the loan offer template, if that is possible. I bought the PMBP course a couple of years ago and do not remember if that template is in there. The email with download would be appreciated. The 3 step process is a great way to build a relationship with the prospect before ever presenting a deal for them to fund. Thanks again.

  353. Patrick, Seeing you in the videos feels like we’re sitting in the same room; I appreciate that. Having access to your support and savvy techniques is invaluable. Thank you very much. My best email to send the template to is in the space you provided. Awilda

  354. Hi Patrick, as always you sound extremely convincing in what you talk about. In your 3 step process I have found step on to be enlightening. Especially the part of peaking ones interest to set up an appointment. I know that the power point presentation must be as awesome!

  355. Love it I am in great content just what I need

  356. Hi Patrick, thank you and i enjoyed the Video.

  357. Great template and just in time to help with a new investor;thanks

  358. They say you never stop learning – and it’s true. I’m in.

  359. Patrick, I will commit to the three step process. Thanks!

  360. AHA…
    You’ve got my commitment.
    Simple 3-Step Process’ I like it.

  361. I will stick to the 3 steps proccess.
    Thank you Patrick.

  362. Ready To Try……PLease Send…..Thx….

  363. I loved the video and I’d love to have the template as well. Thank you!

  364. I’m commit to the 3 step process, and would love to have that awesome template that Patrick spoke about. Thank you!

  365. Thanks so much for all the info. I’m committed to the process and WILL take action! Can’t wait to see the template! Thanks!

  366. Yes, I will commit to continue using the 3-step private money process. Have been able to secure $ 146,000 form private lenders. It works!!!

    Thanks for the solid information.

  367. Thanks Patrick for consistently bringing us immediately usable tips and tools over the years, many times even for free.

    Keep up the great work.

  368. I am submitting my commitment. Let’s get this party started

  369. Hey P-Rid, Great material, like the approach. I’m committed. Looking forward to putting it into action!

  370. You can’t learn enough. Every little tip helps me tweak my approach when speaking with private investors. I look forward to learning more and appreciate your efforts to help us all be more successful. Thanks!!

  371. Thanks for the information Patrick. Always insightful and no non-sense. That is appreciated.

    I have not paid as much attention to my subscription to PMBP as I should. This too will change shortly.

    Best to you. Happy Holidays! Kind regards,

  372. Patrick: you are upgraded to Professor riddle ,your material and information is simlpy awesome.

  373. Hey Patrick,

    The system really works. I used your process with a private lender last week and secured $30,000 from them and another $30,000 from another private source we already had on tap. Now we are in the process of closing our first deal using private money that is not from family members. Worked like a charm!

    We’ve planned another meeting with another investor right after the holidays. Our list of private investors is growing by at least two new sources a month thanks to this system and we are no longer afraid to tie up any good deal now because we know for certain that we can fund them.

  374. I’m committed to the three step process and look forward to checking out the template. Do you recommend the template in place of a real estate private placement memorandum.

  375. Great info i commit to using this system to get funding

  376. Hi
    I will commit to the 3 steps

  377. Hey I am really enjoying your teaching process. I just wish you would invest in a lav mic, (wired or wiredless) so the sound could go straight to the camera.

    I know it’s part of the whole free lessons thing, but the poor sound gets in the way of the comprehension.

    Keep up the good work!

  378. I always enjoy your videos because they are short and full of content. I am ready to put into practice what I have learn today.

  379. Patrick, great video and packed with wonderful info. For a new investor like myself this takes the guesswork out of finding Private Money. I will definitely commit to following your program to shave years, heartache and the pain of raising money. I look forward to learning from you and to thank you one day face to face for you sharing this wonderful info and technique.

    Thanks for being there,


  380. Love to see the template and yes, free is good!!

  381. Thanks, I look forward to the email.

  382. I’m committed to using the three steps. Great tips!

  383. I wish I found this sooner so I’m commited to the 3 steps.

  384. Hey Patrick,
    I stumbled upon you and your system by the good graces of God. Hard $ Lenders have been my dominant source of funding until NOW man! I am so on fire, fearless, and I am commited to staying totally relentless (follow the system only) and securing 1 Million Dollars (Minimum) by Q2 2013 to fund our deals. I WILL NOT TRY TO REINVENT THE WHEEL here. Follow what works. Thank you. I am grateful everyday man!

    P.S. Abundance Mindset before you’re feet hit the floor every day, attitude of grattitude daily, Abundance expectations secured by the knowledge that we gain from those that we want to emulate. Put in the work, you will get the results. NO Microwave Mentality of Instant gratification. Do whatever it takes!

  385. Men Patrick Riddle you have the key to private money. So I’M committed to using the three steps.

  386. Gonna give this a try. It sounds like a great roadmap/start.

  387. Great content as always Patrick! 3 steps in motion.

  388. Yes, I am committed! Please send the loan offering template.

  389. TOTALLY committed to the three-step process! Please forward the template.

  390. Great information! Looking forward to launch my business with private money!

  391. Ok I’m good.

  392. I’m committed and looking forward to the template.

  393. I will commit to 3step process. Please send me the promised.

  394. 1 2 3 steps, show me the information it sounds great I will commit

  395. Patrick,

    Great stuff as usual, thanks for continuing to share your knowledge with us. I am working on lining up my private money….off to make some calls on it. Keep up the great work!

  396. Thank for the great content, Patrick. I look forward to putting your three step system to work in building relationships with private investors and getting money to fund my deals. Your point about “posture” and attitude in step 2 is right on and of course your template will prove useful in step 3. I look forward to receiving it! Thanks again!

  397. Committed and looking forward to the template. Thanks

  398. Patrick!!! Thank You so much. I am highly motivated to get Private Money with the Process.

  399. Great Info that I need.

  400. Great Video! Thanks for all the content and support you provide on a regular basis! I will commit to the 3 steps…

  401. Hi Patrick this was good information send me the three step info. I have a property in line to take some action on.

  402. Patrick,
    Great info. I am committed to the 3 step process. Please send the template.

  403. Great content and yes I will use PMBP’s 3 step process.

  404. very Nice video..Looking forward for Loan offering template.

  405. Thanks, from my experience with private lender your info is straight up and helpful. Looking forward to more.

  406. The youngest Guru of our time in real estate private money

  407. This is a BIG Wow Factor. This Powerful Blue Print is the answer many of us need in order to get deals done quickly. Many of us don’t want to be losing our shirt paying out hard money fees or have to rely on our credit to get deals done. Thanks Patrick.

  408. I am commited to work this approach.

    • Hey P.Rid, Thanks for the great content and sharing your experiences, you the bomb! Tnks, JG

  409. All of this I beleave to be true

  410. Hey Patrick and the PMBP team. Thanks for all the great content you provide to us. I am definitely committed to the 3 step process. Please send me the loan offering template.

    Thank you!

  411. They utility of this content is practical

  412. Thank you Patrick, for all of your free videos and information. I commit to following your 3-Step Program to getting Private Money!

    Thanks Patrick.

  413. Good Solid Info. Hope you follow-up with “How to” on the Formal appointment & Presentation” Looking forward to your overcoming fears video

  414. I’m looking forward to working with this technique.

  415. I Marcus Bading am a member of private money.I have taken down detailed notes on the 3 step process to getting private money.Pattrick Riddel makes a hard thing to figer out “not a problem”.Thank you.I have to ask myself dose it get any better.Yes it does.Please Email me the power point template.My Email is [email protected]

  416. Good job. You have a very practical, simple, clear, step by step process in teaching the material. I look forward receiving additional info about getting private money.

  417. Hey Pat nice video and information! I bought he program a while back and need to get to work asap. Looking forward to getting the template and getting private money!

  418. You are so the man. I’m looking forward to the PDF.

  419. Patrick, Thanks for the great info as usual. It’s time to get off the fence and get it done, I’m committed. Your info and site are awesome. Thanks again.

  420. Thanks for the information. On the lookout for the blueprint

  421. I really need to get private money going. Thanks for the tips!

  422. I commit to the plan!

  423. I’m committed to the three steps and getting my first private lender.

    • Rivington, I sent the form to your email. Keep us posted on how you’re doing.

  424. AHA!! Great Info! Thank you for sharing this “3 Step Process”
    This strategy makes sense and it does simplify the qualification process.
    Thanks again

  425. Patrick, I’m still skeptical as to how well this will work, but, I am committed to trying it. In fact I sent out a bunch of letters to potential PM lenders I found in the public records this morning. We’ll see what comes of that.

  426. I am committed.

  427. Patrick, the presentation is excellent. I have seen a number of presentations for private lending and this one is short and concise. The kiss method. Very good.

  428. Awesome video. I now understand how to better use the powerpoint presentation. I am looking forward to receiving the Loan Offering Template. I can do this.
    Thank you,

  429. I am committed to doing the three step program. Thanks for all that you do.

  430. Nice job. Exactly where I am stuck in my RE investing career. Can’t wait for more content.

    Thanks for all you do.

  431. Great stuff my man. Proud of ya. Keep rockin!

  432. **Great info!! Thank you for sharing!

    I commit to the PMBP 3 step process!

  433. Hi Patrick,

    Great info….you are such a giver.

    Thanks for all you do.

    This is terrific info for sure.

    Keep up the great work,

    We really appreciate you!


  434. good stuff thanks

  435. Thanks or all the info

  436. Great information. Wuld love to learn more

  437. today I finally found a true source that will help me grow my investment business

  438. I agree that finding ongoing sources of money to fund deals is the biggest challenge I face as an investor. It takes constant networking with everyone you meet.

  439. I Commit!!!

  440. Thanks for sending me the template. Great program and I commit.

  441. looking forward to doing these steps!

  442. I will commit to the private money blue print. Looking Forward to it.

  443. Have the Private Money Blue Print and now I am going to move ahead. I will commit to getting private money three step process. Please send the template.

  444. This is great info! I look forward to the next video

  445. Thanks Patrick for driving home what is possible when following a proven system. Absolutely, no need to reinvent the wheel. Just put it on and roll! Great training!

  446. Cool Patrick! Thanks for the info. I’m Onboard.

  447. Great as always! have always benefited from your advice and programs. remain committed… thanks, Patrick

  448. correcting the email i gave you a moment ago

  449. I want to show my commitment to PMBP’s proven 3-step private money process

  450. Awesome tips… will commit to your 3-step process which makes so much sense. Looking forward to the template. Thanks.

  451. I will absolutely commit to this 3 step process! Thank you for breaking it down and giving this slippery area some traction.


  452. Hey Patric, I will commit to the Private Money 3 Step Process. You make it simple for me to follow. THANKS!!!

  453. I will commit to your smart 3-step plan. Can’t wait to get the Investor Loan Template

  454. Thanks For being committed to helping us Patrick. I will be committed to following these steps and getting private money. I’m glad to be a part of the PMBP family!

  455. Nice! Time to start this thing and get going!!

  456. Patrick, Step 1 is the most important. I am not a very social person. Getting through step 1 is the hardest part for me.

  457. Thank you Patrick, I know of and have been experiencing the need to have private money on your side in doing deals. I have watched and heard many of your videos including those from some very good associates/friends of yours that continue to inspire me. I am committed to you 3 step method of getting the money, so bring on the next video training session. I’m all for it. Thanks man that was great. I’ll watch it again

  458. Can’t wait to see this!!!


    • Yes I will commit.

  459. Great content, looking forward to receiving the template

  460. This is one of the best articles that I seen and I’m committed to the Private Money Blue Print for me and my clients.

  461. Hey Patrick, loved the video. I happily commit to the Private Money Blue Print 3-step process. Thanks

  462. Thanks for all the info you provide, Patrick. You always go above & beyond to help us with training & information. Keep it coming.

  463. I would love to commit! whats next?

  464. Wow what great info. Short,sweet, to the point – no bull!

  465. I will commit to the three step method of getting private money.

  466. Patrick,
    Great Info! Looking forward in seeing more!

  467. Great info as always. You always make the information easy to understand.
    Thanks again

  468. I have committed to the Private Money Blueprint Three Steps

  469. Great information. I too am one of those guys that spill all the beans and has not enabled me to get any private money. I will definitely work at using your 3 step formula to achieve private money success. Thanks for sharing.

  470. I will commit to the 3 step method in getting private money

  471. I will committ to the three step method of getting private money and get started asap.

  472. It’s time to get my act together. I am committed to following the three steps. Please send me the loan offering template.




  474. Great stuff …. I’m looking forward to learning lots more, Patrick.

  475. I think what you have shared will be very helpful. I have not had an opportunity to try it, yet. But, I am willing too. Most of what I have been getting are scam artist.

  476. I’m down!!!

  477. Alright, here it is, I ,m am commited to the three step method of getting
    private money

  478. I think you guys are brilliant, I have a huge deal ($10M+) that I’ve been trying to get Pm and I couldn’t understand why such a profitable investment is not drawing the prospects like flies. Now I see and I am committed to the getting private money 3-step process. Please send me the template!!!!!

    Thanks for all you do!!!

  479. i enjoyed the video the info was great and i look forward to learning more

  480. Great, great tips, thanks so much for your time, it is greatly appreciated, and I will follow your tips to the roots. I promise you that!


    Gabriel Trujillo

  481. Thanks for the insights,we can see this three step process helping to eliminate the constraints in getting the Private Money we need. Look forward to more great stuff!

  482. A logical 3 simple steps that I probably would not have thought of by myself, and I would have had to learn from trial and error before the obvious was apparent. I will definitely commit to following these steps that you outlined and not waste my time trying to find what really works the best. Thanks for the head start.

  483. You took the process of acquiring private money very deep in the intro video. Now it seams surprisingly simple to keep the three steps in mind and in order. Fishing for motivation with #1 Big Picture & Pain, get them on the hook with #2 Formal Appointment, reel them in with #3 Follow Up With The Right Deals. Hope you like my marketing analogy. The examples and the programs created a solid value. Thanks

  484. I’m a new member and I’m really excited and happy to have found your program.
    I’ll commit to your private money program because that’s way to grow any RE biz.

  485. Information was plain, direct and focus. Great training video, I am committed to the three step process.

  486. Thank you Patrick! I’m committed to may this work. Please send the template.

  487. that was enlightning

  488. Great Content. Smart 3 steps to getting Private Money. Excellent 1/2 min. Elevator Pitch. And all done with such innocent totally un-aggressive innocent pull-back face. I love that!!!

  489. I will commit to the three step method to procure private money!

  490. I’ve enjoyed — All– of the e-mail presentations you have sent me over the past many months — Thanks — This one feels good — Hook Me UP!!

    I rehabbed homes — 2003 – 2006 — w/ a money partner – A –(Friend ?)– I did all the legwork —Locating, Inspecting, Made the offers , Wrote up rehab expenses to submit to the Lender — #1 go-for — Permits, supplies, manage subcontractors — We did 11 properties — I got paid for only 3 — Excuse — No profit was made — I was living on my credit cards — He payed me $350.00 wk. plus gas — He was a Wheeler-Dealer w/ 9-11 LLC’s at a time — Bouncing rehab money for each property for other projects he had going at any time — Promising me, he would take care of me on the next one — Snubbing contractors for payment for 3-6 months or more – I lost my home and $110K I should have made – BOO-HOO!
    I want to re-enter real estate on my own and do my own deals —
    I have not recovered yet financially, My credit sucks, I have no savings — But — I’m confident I can recover after 7 years of not being able to recover w/ my current J.O.B.!
    I want to be able to buy anything, Knowing I have the Money to do it!

  491. I will commit to this super 3 step process!

  492. very helpful show Big picture, then Power Point Presentation, ask questions, structure, Follow up with right deal.

    great info and thank you , thank yiu, thank you.

  493. Thanks, great information, I will commit to the private money blueprint.

  494. i love how you make the science of getting money from private investors so easy and this is so critical when banks are not lending. Looking forward to learning more

  495. This is my second comment because I didn’t recieve your “template” when I submitted the previous one. I’m a HUGE fan of Patrick’s systems and training so I’m very much looking forward to viewing and using it.

  496. Excellent program. Defintely committed to the 3 phase program.

  497. This is some Great Info. I am committed and will start using the 3-step process today. Will you please email the loan offering template asap. thanks for all you all are doing.
    To huge success to all.

  498. I loved the video. I plan on and am committed to following the PMBP 3 Steps.
    Thanks Patrick for the Deal form.
    E. [email protected]

  499. I will definitely implement the three steps. Thank you!

  500. Powerful training I will be using to start funding deals. Thanks for the information

  501. Great info. We appreciate the way you guys take the time out to effectively train us. This training is needed.

    Thank you.

  502. Great info that I NEED. I have identified an unusual source of distressed properties available with municipality cooperation. I am putting together a group of investors to purchase in numbers with property management in place along with renovation teams in place waiting to get started. Eliminating banks is a primary goal of this prospective effort. I plan to commit completely to the 3 step method. PS: looking for 15-20 investors for a program that I plan to boilerplate my plan and use all over the country.

  503. Thanks for the tips. And yes, I’ll commit to the 3 PMBP steps! Thanks in advnace for the template. Keep the tips coming!

  504. Thanks for the tips! I’ll commit to the 3 step PMBP. Thanks in advance for the template. Keep the good info coming.

  505. good stuff

  506. Committed to the 3 step process! Please send the template…… yesterday! Thanks!

  507. Great stuff, Patrick! I look forward to my next appointment, using your template! Thanks for all you do!

  508. Patrick, good stuff as always. I like that you broke it down into 3 easy steps!!

  509. I commit to your 3 step method…Hoping this helps in Indy!! Thank you Patrick!!

  510. Patrick, Thanks so much for the helpful training. I am excited and committed to using your format. Please email me a copy of the loan offering template.

  511. I have been using the pmbp info to find the lenders and after watching this video I now know what I have to do and how i have to do it. I am very committed to the 3 step process. Thank you for everything.

  512. Great as usual Patrick

  513. The 3 step process is awesome, it’s so simple I will have to make every effort not to add to to it.
    Keep the great info. coming

  514. I am a PMOD member and your program and content are always so meaty! Thank you so much!

  515. This is very helpful, you have given me great insight! Thanks!

  516. Great information and great presentation.

  517. I think it’ Awesome that you Are willing trying to help us folks who want to get their Private Money Investing Capital on !! I am really looking forward to learning more from you, Patrick !!

  518. Great stuff! Thank you Patrick! I’m committed! 🙂

  519. Great meaty video..Pls send the template…I first found out about you in 2009-2010…Ive been steadily wholesaling deals down here in SFLA, but its time to start buying my own deals. So i need private money…
    I got to say Patrick, I ve always been impressed with your demeanor, your mastery of the WHOLE big picture of raising money, and your attitude of giving usable content upfront to those that need it without a big commitment in return…Im sure it has and will pay you back. Your building quality for the long term…great example…Thanks..hope to meet up with you sometime..JOSE

  520. Awesome Info! I will implement it. thanks

  521. You make it sound fairly easy by presenting it this way! I know I can handle doing that no problem at all!! Thank you very much!!

  522. Thank you Patrick!!!! You guys make learning fun!!!! I am committed!!!!

  523. Great video, thanks for all the great information!



  524. And I am 100% committed to making this simple process work…

    Investor since age 17, real estate paralegal/escrow officer for 5 years, and owner of a mortgage company for 10 years.


  525. Great message patrick

  526. I commit- thanks, Patrick!

  527. Hey Patrick,
    You always put out great info, keep up the good work!

  528. Thanks for your continued support of all of us that either are trying to get started, or those of us that always are open to new strategies to stay on top of current topics.

  529. Thank you! I can use all the help that’s given……

  530. I pledge to read and follow your Private Money Blueprint. I am still in the learning process. Thank you.

  531. This will Help My Private Lending Business

  532. Great info Patrick.
    I am committed to learning and implementing the 3 step process for obtaining Private Money!

  533. Already have the template. Just came back for some more inspiration. I have private lenders but looking for another good one for a 3rd track of rehabs. Template is ideal for wholesaling and approaching potential private lenders. Wouldn’t change a thing. Just use it and get into action!

    • Patrick, I commit to the 3 Step Plan. Good timing as I was just renewing my funding search efforts an am quite excited a out it!

  534. I’m very committed and excited about my training with you. Thank you so very much. Samuel

  535. Thanks for the refresher PRid. I’m committed, or maybe I should be committed ;>).

  536. I’ll commit!! Great info.

  537. Hi Patrick,

    You’re absolutely right, if your PMBP system is not followed in the exact order… there will be NO results. I’m committed to your system and raising money for my deals.



  538. Hey Patrick

    Great stuffs.I am already a member of PMOD. Please have Ms. Charity send me the template

    Thank you

  539. Hi Patrick, my name is Joe and I recently purchased 2 of your programs. I am so thankful for your desire to help people change their financial futures and I am committed to following your 3 step private money process. I would be so thankful to receive your loan offering template. I look forward to sending you my testimonial very soon!

  540. Patrick,
    I just watch your video on ” Getting Private Money” and I would have to say it is the BEST VIDEO I have ever seen on the subject!
    I can see why you are so successful in your business!
    I love the three step system and will be incorpating it in my business starting Immediately!

    1. Paint the Big Picture!
    2. Set the formal meeting up!
    3. Follow up with the Deals there looking to invest in!
    When I first got into sales, my mentor always told me to make new friends and listen to what they want and then give them what there looking for!
    You just took that training to a hole new level!

    Thanks for your time, you are truly a Great Mentor!
    I look forward to the prospect templet.
    Roger Newman
    Adeal Real Estate Investments, Inc
    Katy, Texas

  541. Awesome information…thanks

  542. This information is a changer. Thanks

  543. Great video! The more structure the better, I look forward to using the template. Thank you again


  544. I, too, want to wear flip-flops all day, every day. If your blueprint will help me attain this footwear reality, I will follow you to hell or paradise!

  545. Your message is very timely. It has taken me a long time to see but I see that there are numerous opportunities to connect with private lenders if you follow instructions from someone with all of your knowledge.
    Thank you for sharing your time and information.

  546. Thank you Patrick, your 3 step system video came at the right time. I was just offer an partnership investment deal by a relative. I am committing myself to remove the fear. Starting today I will be using the 3 step system. I can’t wait to use the the templates. To my success in private money deals and my wholesaling business for the New Year!. I will give you updates of my success.

  547. Great Stuff, you always put out good info. Thanks for sharing.

  548. The three steps that you went over got my attention. I’m curious to see the full blueprint.

  549. Great info Patrick. Thanks!

  550. I will definitely implement the three steps.

  551. Many thanks for all the great, common sense and easy to follow training! You are really the greatest!

  552. Thanks for the info, good stuff, look forward to receiving the Template


  553. I am committed to PMBP’s proven 3-step private money process. Thanks

  554. Simple but profound. Somewhat elusive too. “Aha” is the moment you get to when the concept hits you. Your three-step method promotes win-win situations in that it is executed in the spirit of service – the prospect’s goals and needs are taken into consideration. This lures and compels success. I appreciate your unselfish sharing of this information. Talk about leveraging your talent and not burying it. What a serve-ant! I love it, and I am running with it. Information changes perception. Suddenly I see many private lenders on the horizon. It’s amazing what one can accomplish when one is still and composed enough to adjust to the environment of “NOW” — the moment — for personal and collective benefit. Keep up the good work.

  555. Hi Patrick
    You always come up with great content

  556. I am already using the 3 steps and waiting for the first response. Keep the great videos coming. Very good content.

  557. Looking forward to your video/training on attracting PM Lenders. Having access & knowing what to say & do, will be an invaluable tool!!! Thank you Patrick.

  558. A great refreshing remainder, to stick to the process and not try to change the order of you 3 step formula in getting Private Money Lenders. Yes, I will recommit to the 3 step process the way you teach, Patrick. Please email me the template to use with the Private Money Lenders.

  559. Great stuff! I am ready to commit to the three step process. I have only used my home equity line to buy rental properties so far. Im ready to expand my horizons with private money lenders.

  560. Very excited that a professional approach has been shown here and easily understood and implemented, secured my first deal.

  561. Hey Patrick, great video and content, wish I’d seen it when it first came out. I’d be miles ahead by now. Thanks for sharing.

  562. I am committed … working the program now

  563. Thanks Patrick,

    Great content as always! Looking forward to seeing this process. I’m in!!!

  564. Awesome content! I will commit to the 3 step blue print. If I can be of any help as to providing feedback or a testimony, let me know and Ill be glad to do so. Thanks in advance for your help!

  565. Hey Patrick,

    I’m setting out on my quest to secure private money and the information you presented in video 1 will definitely be helpful. I can’t wait to see and hear what you have to say about eliminating fear since I do have some regarding private money.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge on this most important subject.


  566. Great plan Patrick!! Intend to put it into action!
    Thanks for sharing.

  567. I am committed to following the 3 step process.


  569. As usual, this is great information. I have listened to it a couple of times and learn something new each time. Keep up the great work, you make it very understandable. Thank you

  570. Great info, always useful.

  571. Good information on the process. I will commit to the process.

  572. Great content and will be using it with two inlaws and one friend immediately!

  573. I love Patrick Riddles Private Money Blueprint.
    From all the real estate info I have bought over the years
    this one is the best and I enjoy listening to Patrick tell
    me what to do. Easy to understand too! Thanks alot $$$$

  574. This is awesome, I needed this clarity to remove my fear. It is goibg to he a rockin year. Thanks for the info and template!

  575. Thanks for sharing as always!!! What a great community you’ve created. LC

  576. Super Great Content

  577. I’m in!

  578. Thank you , I am committed to following the 3 step process.

  579. Great Stuff! I’m committed to follow the process! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  580. Great info Patrick! You put the info out there plain and simple. I’m ready to get some deals done.

  581. Please send me the template Charity. TIA

  582. I commit, I commit. Brilliance. Thank you, P-Rid.

  583. I am encouraged

  584. I am quite intrigued by your 3-step process for securing private money. It
    is concise and simple as an presentation outline. I am now committed to this process and would love to receive your template. Together with your power-point presentation and this information i feel a bit more comfortable in approaching and meeting with investors…..Thank you

  585. Great information. I cannot wait to begin using it.

  586. So far I am learning a lot. Thanks Patrick

  587. Thanks for the great content Patrick! I’m ready.

  588. This is golden, I have a few deals that I’m looking at now, but would love the confidence of having private money behind me. It will make, making offers on these props so much easier. I’m committed to learning this process.


  589. I will follow the 3 step approach

  590. Hi Patrick,

    That was a great video. I’m committed to the
    three step process.

  591. Thanks again Patrick from your loyal member for the last 3 years.

  592. Great stuff Patrick New Year New Commitments and Private Money is One of Them

  593. Patrick< I love your PMOD system and am totally committed to implementing the 3 step process!!

  594. I will commit to following the 3 step process.

  595. I plan to use the private money program for my investing activities, and to help me in getting away from my 9-5.

  596. Sounds Great! Im Ready

  597. Hi Patrick – I’m glad someone has done this for us! I know better than to try to reinvent the wheel the works, so I’ll happily use it!


  598. This is what I’ve been waiting for!

  599. Thank you Patrick for the awesome info you provide here. Will do my best to get the job done here. I will be happy to use it.

  600. DIG IT! I will commit to using this please send it over, knowledge is powerful but only if it used properly. I look forward to making use of this!

  601. Thanks Patrick.
    Your approach makes a lot more sense then what I have been doing.
    I am in & would love the loan form.

  602. Great information as usual.

  603. Thanks for the info. I look forward to receiving the template and putting the plan into action!

  604. I am committed to using the 3 step process for raising private money. Thanks for the explanation on keeping the control on my side. Great stuff!

  605. Patrick Riddle, You are so cute! So young, yet so smart. That was amazing and concise information! Finally, I’m going to get that Private Money …. thank you, little boy!

  606. Fully committed, Great info

  607. Thanks for the great insights. Look forward to using the presentation.

  608. Thanks again for Giving & Sharing Patrick!

  609. Have one of Patrick’s other programs and would love to commit to this one. Look forward to getting the training.

  610. I am committed!

  611. Am committed to getting private money

  612. I want more!!! I got your PP template a while back and then lost contact with you. Just received your email and watched the commitment video…good stuff! I’m ready to take action as I believe this is the first step in anyones plan to invest in Real Estate! Now I need to find out how to get some kind of a list or find out how to develop a list.

    Thanks Patrick!!



    • Hi Brandon, Thanks for your commitment. I have sent you the template. Great hear you are enjoying the material!If you have any specific questions about getting private money, please let us know. We are always happy to help!

  613. I am committed to PMB. I look forward to receiving the training

  614. Okay, here we go!

  615. Thanks Patrick, I’ve followed you and your videos for some time now. I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge,
    Thanks again, I will continue to use your 3 step method…

    • Great to hear you are enjoying the trainings!

  616. I will commit!

  617. Patrick,
    Always enjoy your materials. Will commit to your system. Thanks for giving and sharing.

  618. good info

  619. Great Content. Thanks for sharing.

  620. I’ll commit to 3 step process.


    • I commit to the three step process.
      Great information, keep it up.

  622. I am committed to your 3 step process to get private money. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us!

  623. I’ll commit to 3 step process.Thanks

  624. I really did have an “aha moment!” I’ve been to a number of REI clubs/meetups, done some “guru seminars,” paid for some of the packages [though only spending a few hundred, and not thousand, as a college student just didn’t have the funds], and perhaps the biggest thing they overlook in getting a PML: PR.

    Develop a personal relationship with them. They have people who hit them up, asking for money, all the time, but who thinks “Tell me your story.” “Why did/do you lend?” “What is YOUR goal?”

    I am trying to help my girlfriend’s uncle not loose his house to foreclosure, and, at the same time, turn his house into a transitional home for homeless people [he had to move for his job, and the re agent didn’t even have the sign out so people could see it was for sale!] with my church, so this info could be answers to prayers.

    I’m def committed!

  625. I will commit to using this 3 step process.

  626. Thanks for the great insights. Look forward to using the presentation.Always enjoy your materials. Will commit to your system toally.

  627. It’s absolutely amazing in the amount of free training that you
    provide at PMBP and the free resources and from the great amount of detail put into the training from you and your team.. At Private Money Blueprint As Well as the resources and training you provided at MustKnowInvesting blog, with all of that training an individual certainly can’t go wrong! They just have to apply themselves and take action on the information that you provide because it is certainly the most valuable content available for free I personally thank you Mr. Riddle and your team for all your hard work. And in return you have my solemn commitment to your Private Money Blueprint three-step system and guaranteed to take action. An I genuinely look forward to utilizing the The Loan Offering Template……

  628. Excellence, once again. Great content, looking forward for more “Pearls of Wisdom”

    Thanks Again


  629. Patrick; I have seen 4 of your videos, I am walking over deals.
    I am comment, I want buy houses. you make it look like fun.
    I want in, I know of some private lenders that want to work with me
    just need to know how to submit, and what to submit.
    Thanks, your smarter then you look.

  630. I find your information so easy to follow because of your style of communication. Great details of information !! Thanks, Patrick.

  631. Hi Patrick
    Thanks for an excellent video. You have inspired me to get back out there and look at everyone as a potential lender. Looking forward to receiving the template/

  632. I commit to using the Private money 3 Step Plan

  633. I will commit. I am qualifying cash buyers for commercial real estate property funding and the Loan Template would be complementary to the 3-step process.

  634. Please send me this valuable template.

  635. Great info. I love that you are direct and to the point with your training info. I will follow the 3 step process. THANKS!!

  636. Thanks for the information, I am in the IPOD class currently. The training is great and I know eventually I will need private money to do deals. This will definitely prepare me.


  637. Good Morning; This is Henry Perkins at [email protected] or 925 200-8781. I am committed to the 3 steps process and would love the template!

  638. Hi
    Great video I’ll commit your programs are the best. Look forward to the next video

  639. I love this simple 3 step process. Especially how it sets you up as the authority where you’re qualifying the lender (rather than just a dog looking for a bone). Look forward to receiving the loan offer template.

  640. Thanks Patrick, The best information I have add in a long time. I bought several seminars on the topic, but I think you provided the missing links. Yes you do have my commitment to your 3 step process 100%

    Thank you Edgard

  641. Patrick – Thanks for the 3-Step Process. I will commit to using this simple process to get in front of potential PM lenders. Also for the Loan Offer Template. Any tools you offer are greatly appreciated. Regards, George

  642. Mark me down as committed. Look forward to working with you.

  643. It seems that you have something that so many of us need to learn properly. Many thanks!

  644. Patrick
    We are committed to taking massive action using your 3 step process! Thanks for laying out the process.

  645. Let’s get the show on the road!

  646. Your message…

  647. Sounds like something I definitely could use. Count me in.

  648. Great info can’t wait to get the template !!

  649. I will commit to the three step process.

  650. thanks for the three step tip , looking forward to next video.

  651. This 3 step process is good stuff. I as looking forward to receiving the loan offer template.

  652. Great Information , guys I truly believe I will be able to go out there and procure, some private money !

  653. Committed. Looks like a good plan.

  654. I just went through your private money steps video and I could not believe how simple the steps were. I am a new investor and I have been trying to obtain private money lenders but had no idea how to reach them, with your help I have the resources to accomplish that task thank you, I cant wait to get the loan template. I cant wait to begin to use the private money blueprint steps. I will be looking for more information. Thanks

  655. Really enjoyed all the information. I am ready to be a part of training. Thanks

  656. Great informational video Patrick. We are committed and would love to receive the 3-step process.

  657. I look forward to learning more about this and receiving the loan offer template.

  658. Great information. I will commit to the 3 step private money blueprint.

  659. I will commit! Good input. Thanks

  660. looking forward to it! please send template ty

  661. Hey, this is a very good video thank you for do this Cain the staff, I am trying to get my firs loan and this will help me a lot.

  662. Hello Patrick.
    this is Great…Keep it up and keep me posted.


  663. Thanks for the great walk through info with no hidden facts. You are very honest and well informed. Awesome stuff

  664. Thank you Patrick for always making a potentially stressful situation end up so simple and stress-free.
    I think the biggest “AHA” moment in my real estate education was when I changed my mindset about obtaining OPM. Having to borrow money from a lender to fund my deals can create a big road block just thinking about it. BUT…offering a potential Private Money “Partner” an opportunity for a safe investment with a desirable ROI puts a whole new spin on it! One stressful road block gone forever!

  665. I will commit to the 3 step process.

  666. Thank you, can’t wait to put this into action and I’m looking forward to sharing my results 🙂

  667. Thanks Pat, great info, I will add to my system!

  668. I will commit to the private money blue print. I will also take action. Thank you for allowing us to have the template at no charge.

  669. Hi Patrick-
    As per usual, you really deliver the goods, and I am now focusing on using your System to generate a list of over 250 private lenders, here in my local market of Houston, TX.
    I Thank You in advance for the Loan Offering Template, as I believe it will be part of systematizing the process. Can’t wait to Kick-Start the campaign to nailing down a Bunch! of private money lenders.
    Terry S

  670. I am committed to the 123 process right now

  671. Thanks for the info. Was very interesting. Looking forward to seeing your template for deal submssions

  672. I guess I have running off of the mouth when it came to talking to people to find private money. After listening to the video, the 3 step process makes sense to committ to do the 3 steps process. With this information and your template will make my job so much easier. Please send me the template. Thanks Jacob.

  673. Good stuff!

  674. Great information! I am committed to following the three steps. Please send me the form!

  675. This is something I need and will use!!!!!!

  676. I will commit to the 3 step process!

  677. Patrick, for such a young fella you have a great sense of basic human psychology. . . it’s all about relationships and I’m on board to benefit from your experience to just make friends, and make PMI’s comfortable and confident with me. I totally agree with ian’s comment, too. Hope to meet you in the near future. . .love the beach!

  678. Love this video currently have the PMOD training really awesome stuff!

  679. Great info! Thank you for making this available to us. I will use what you have to give & teach us. Thank you!

  680. Good Afternoon Patrick; Like so many others – I’m loving the content and education you provide in efforts of help us all climb the corporate ladder! Much appreciated. I am committed to the 3 steps process and would love the template!

  681. great to find real life useful material

  682. I am committed to the 3 step process.

  683. I’ll commit. Have a signed contract and looking for funding.

  684. Hi Patrick,
    Thanks for all these great advices as a new investor this is exactly what I need to. I intend to put these three steps in action.

  685. Patrick, thanks for opening up my eyes and giving us all a shot a persuing our dreams. I am COMMITTED to the PMBP and appreciate all of your help. Cheers!
    -Brian N.

  686. I am looking forward to all of the tips and advice that Private Money Blueprint will be sharing with me.

  687. I am committed to using PMBP.

  688. I will commit to the 3 step private money process.

  689. Wow great stuff come on get me the templates and thanks for all the info you share with us.

  690. I will commit to the PMBP 3 step process.

  691. Glad to have come across your material. I am committed to following the process to secure private funds and making it work in a major way.

  692. great information love it…..

  693. Hi Patrick Awesome info. I follower your news letter and they are very inspirational. Am about to get started in the Real Estate Arena and would be committed to following the private money blueprint.

  694. I’d like to see the template and see if it will simplify my life.


  695. Patrick, always great content! I’m always looking for new and creative ways to raise private money!

  696. Amazing Information And Grateful To Have Been Sent An email

  697. Awesome education Patrick – I am committing to raise $3M more this year!

  698. Great Info Patrick your on point I am in the Real Estate Wholesaling to Investors in Indianapolis an wanted to take my Business to the Next Level an this Looks like it will catapult me to above an Beyond Like Buzz Sawyer anyway thank you and God Bless.

    loves to extend a sincere thank you to your company
    for all the help you do for other investors and tell you to keep up the good work and may Gods Blessing be on you and your family.

  700. I would definitely love to have the private money blueprint, please! 🙂

  701. I would like to try your template. Sounds like it could help me in my approach to private funds

  702. Thank you for the insite on the simple 3 step process to help acquire private money. This was a help to clear our thinking and execution. Please provide me with your free Loan Offering Template

  703. Good stuff. Send me template please.

  704. Will use this with every offer !

  705. I’ll commit.

  706. Great info Patrick…Looking forward to your next videos

  707. I will commit to getting private money three step process. Thanks Man Great Stuff!

  708. I will totally comment to the 3 step process. This is where I AM Having the hardest time.

    You are very inspiring. Thank You

  709. thank you so much for the step by step video. I am trying to learn about private money lender and how to present to them.

  710. I will follow the 3 step process of private money blue print.

  711. Great information, thanks for sharing. I will definitely committ to this blueprint.

  712. Terrific tool to have. I’m going funding again.

  713. Great job, Patrick. Of course, “great” falls short of the “perfect’ you always strive for, despite it being impossible to achieve.

  714. Hey! Patrick: Where have you been all my life. Great information. Just starting to actively look for private lenders. I would like the template and to become a member of your Blue Print program. My eyes are now wide open with this information.

  715. I am commited to your 3 step process for raising private money

  716. Great information. I will commit to the 3 step process.

  717. I’ll commit. Looking for funding.

  718. It is easy tocommit to any program you offer. Patrick, you ARE THE MAN. Thanks again.

  719. I will commit to the three step Private Money Blueprint because I absolutely can use a viable resource that can help me obtain the cash I need to do deals. It truly doesn’t matter how much money you have as an investor. But because no one has an unlimited source of liquid cash having access to private funds is not an option it is almost a necessity if you as an investor what you be success in the game.

  720. Good info. Thanks…committed.

  721. I will commit to the three step Private Money Blueprint because I absolutely can use a viable resource that can help me obtain the cash I need to do deals. It truly doesn’t matter how much money you have as an investor. But because no one has an unlimited source of liquid cash having access to private funds is not an option it is almost a necessity if you as an investor want to be successful in the game.

  722. Great info Pat. Always need to improve money getting skills.

  723. You help me to feel empowered.

  724. I will commit

  725. I like the blue print program you explained. Hope to use it soon

  726. Wow this would be great, I need all the help in finding private money. Thanks for all the info.
    Commitment check

  727. I will commit to the 3 steps- I raised almost $1M last year but have run into a brick wall- would love for you to show me a way through it! Thanks Patrick!

  728. Great,I will commit to the process!

  729. Thank you Patrick,
    Enjoyed your presentation.
    Makes all sense.

  730. Your message…This was great content…usual for you. I know from others in your network that you have been working with private money for many years so you know what you’re talking about. Looking forward to the template.

  731. Have been looking for something like this. I am glad I found it!

  732. I’ll commit to the private money template.

  733. Patrick, the approach you use is the best I have come across in along time. My wife and i are about to get started in the Real Estate Arena and would be committed to following the private money blueprint.

  734. I’ve been searching for a system to secure private funds for our real estate deals. Very interested in what you say yours will do.

  735. So many people loving your blueprint. Took me three minutes to get to the bottom for my comment. Great source so send me the 1 pager please.

  736. thanks for the training. Please send me the template to help me get funds

  737. I have followed you and watched over the years, thanks for all the words of wisdom. Please send the template.

  738. Hey Patrick

    Im committed to serving others and developing and improving my community,
    I look forward to applying my newly acquired skills with the help of your support

    We can make a difference

  739. hello, I would love 2 do the 1,2,3, step. I need funding x patricia x

  740. I would like to look at the template.

  741. I would like to look at the template

  742. I will commit. I need funding.

  743. Good info..Look forward to reading more of your blogs.

  744. The video was very informative and to the point. Thanks for the gurgiance

  745. Yes, I will commit to following the 3 step process.

  746. I will commit to everything!

  747. Your three step private money lender blueprint really makes sense. I understand why it works. I would really like to give it a try.

  748. Hi This is Julia.
    I am a full time Investor in USA.
    Working every day almost 10 hours(with my partner) to find good equity deal.of course we got lots of good listing (higher yearly appreciate, good equity,good return of investment).
    But, we don’t have cash to buy all these properties(need down pay 25%).
    If someone interesting about our listing we can send you more info.


  749. Great it is exactly what I need.
    Thank you

  750. I am just in the beginning stages of getting together lists and initiating first contact. In fact I just mailed out a couple dozen informal letters inviting them to meet for coffee and to get to know each other. This video came just in time for me to prepare for those first meetings.

    I will commit to the 3 step blueprint

  751. Thank you for sharing this awesome process…
    I commit to using it starting today!

  752. THANK YOU PATRICK for the great 19+min video i just watched (and the email you sent that told me about this!)… SO IM READY AND:
    I WILL commit to the private money blue print
    and cant wait to share this video with others… and here i thought you were just an anonymous surfer dude!

    thx again, California Roger 🙂

  753. The 3-step process makes sense! I don’t take a check over the phone, so no point in doing my presentation over the phone. I like the ‘Painting the Big Picture’ concept. Please send the template.

  754. Hi Patrick,

    Thanks for putting out these videos, they really help. I look forward to getting the template.


  755. I am committed to following this process to secure private funds and making it work and helping investors with a better rate of return.

  756. Patrick, I commit to following the three steps to presenting to private money lenders. Please send me the free template.
    Thanks Daniel

  757. I will commit to the program thank you

  758. I commit to using and sticking with your 3 point process please email me the template thank you

  759. I will commit to the PMBP 3 step process

  760. Excellent video!Great content Patrick, I am committed!

  761. Thanks Patrick, I’m committed to the 3-step process.

  762. Thanks Pat from Myrtle Beach! I commit to the 3 step process! Great stuff. Thanks for the free template!

  763. Let’s see this wealth of info-Thanks in advance!

  764. Thanks in advance!

  765. Great information. Thanks.

  766. Your message…

  767. Patrick
    Thanks for the info it is great. I look forward to applying the three step technique.

  768. Thanks Patrick. This presentation opened my eyes.
    I am now commited to the 3 step process. I am 82 years old with years of rehab experience. With private money I believe I can become financially secure. Thank you for your help and support.

  769. Patrick, this is excellent info – short and sweet and simple. I’m committed to doing this. Please send me the template. Thank you.

  770. Couldn’t of said it any plainer,indeed. Concise and to the point to break through all the barriers way to go Pat! It is a blessing to have someone like you Pat for guidance on investing and tackling the No. 1 problem and that is get funds continuously to close quickly and gain dynamic purchasing power

  771. great content…very true

  772. great video

  773. I will commit to using the 3 step process!

  774. This just what I ‘m looking for. I met a privet money lender at a meet-Up meeting today. Now I now how to approach him with my opportunity.

    i look forward to receiving you information.

    Thanks Patrick,

  775. Always seeking good, reliable private lenders that are ready to partner to get transactions closed. Please send me your template. Thanks! Don

  776. Great information Patrick, I am committing to the process. Thanks

  777. Great information and in a very simple format.

  778. Thank you very much for the information. I will put it into practice right away.

  779. Lots of great tips!

  780. I’m always looking for ways to get funding.

  781. Okay you sold me on the three step system to acquiring money from private lenders to buy real estate to flip for a profit. I am committed to the three step system and would like the loan offering template you talked about. Thanks.

    Anthony Moya

  782. Your message…

  783. Awesome insight. I am a 10 hour wholesale life member. Your insight is the real deal

  784. Great stuff! Looking forward to the template…

  785. Thanks. Great content. I’m committed to PMBP 3 steps.

  786. I look forward to studying and implementing the blue-print. Thanks for the teaching Patrick!

  787. Patrick, thanks for all the great content. Please include me on you list of dedicated followers. You have opened my eyes to an area of funding that I have not previously tapped. Thanks so much.

  788. I am committing to the private money blue print.

  789. I am definitely interested in obtaining private money, looking forwards to using your template to increase my success.

  790. Commit me to private money! Great video

  791. Hi, I have been in real estate doing renovations and flips for about 2 years now. My business is stuck because I have limited funds so I can only get bigger with private money. Every other guru says it is so easy to get private money but does not give enough details on the nuts and bolts of doing it so I have to commit to figuring out how this is done.

  792. Hey Patrick Thanks for all the relevant information that you and your staff freely gives out. I’m glad to know that some people out there are still willing to help others by providing the information. And also I would like to show my commitment, please have Charity email me the link to the Loan Offering Template.

  793. Hi Patrick,

    I wish, I wish, I wish you could provide private money to investors like me who are based in England. Americans with money seem to be a little more inclined to “help the little guy” by investing in them whilst (most) English people with money only want to help themselves and keep the little guy in his place. I’m also looking forward to getting to grips with your blueprint and thank you in advance.
    Regards John

    Ps. I’m English born and bred, so please don’t anyone think I’m being racist in any way.

  794. Awesome video! I’ll commit.

  795. Very informative video.
    Will put this to good use
    Thanks for great info.

  796. Interesting!

  797. Thank you Patrick, as always good stuff, very helpful input.

  798. Great video. Thank you

  799. thanks for sharing

  800. great presentation I am 3 step committed!

  801. I’m ready to commit

  802. I will commite to the three step system.

  803. I am committed,as the pig was to the breeakfast,where the chicken just played a part,drop two eggs.The pig ,we know what happen . I am committed..

  804. Thanks for this information. I am going to commit to this process to get private money for my REI business. I am ready to go to the next level will keep you posted.

  805. Thanks for making this info available.

  806. Thax so much!! Exciting & powerful—And so simple to apply!!

  807. The information is very informative

  808. Thanks for the helpful info and training on private money funding. Please email me the info.

  809. Thanks Buddy, would like to learn more

  810. I’m committed to the 3 step private money blueprint.

  811. Thanks Patrick

    Great info as usual. Can’t wait to use it. Question Patrick, is PMBP & PMOD the same? I’m a PMOD member.

  812. Patrick,
    Great info. I commit to following the three step process and look forward to seeing you visit the MREI group once again in the future.

  813. Very good information. Thank you for sharing.

  814. I will commit to getting private money three step process. Please send the template. Thanks

  815. Awesome information I would defiantly share it with other like minded people totally awesome stuff

    • I commit hahahaha

  816. Excellent Information, and extremely invaluable as education is always the key to success, and even if its something I’ve learned before I always need a refresher. Thanks again for all that you do, and I look forward to Charity’s email soon.

  817. Awesome! Private Money = Relationships
    Sometimes we overlook the obvious.
    I will commit to using the 3 step process.
    Big Picture & Pain, setting up the appointment and such, when using your power point.

  818. Hi Patrick,

    Thank you for the wonderful YouTube video! I am totally committed to taking the 3-Step money getting process and putting it to work for me and my business. I can’t wait to put it into motion and start making some deals happen.

  819. I definately will commit and if your the relationship to enable me to overcome this last hurdle in my business then let’s begin shall we….

    BTW, the aha moment for me was the point shared regarding the private money process is “A RELATIONSHIP”….as is most of life’s journeys…

    looking forward to the template and our relationship… (so was i right on the aha moment??)

  820. I will commit to the private money blue print.

  821. Plan sounds great! Let’s roll!!

  822. Great stuff
    I commit!

  823. I am committed to do these 3 steps.

  824. Thanks for sharing your information with us. Love to learn new techniques to become successful.

  825. Hi Patrick. Great information. I love the way that you boiled it down to a simple three step process. Thank you for sharing. I will commit to the 3 step process.

  826. Your video helps take the fear out of talking to pml and guides you as what to say and be in control of the presentation.

  827. This is super awesome info that you’ve provided. I needed that. I’m seeking funding. Thanks!

  828. The video was very informative.
    Thank you.

  829. Excellent info…implementable

  830. Absolutely, Great Stuff! I will commit to the three steps. Thanks for the training and for providing the templates.

  831. Thanks for the info

  832. I am very interested in the Private Money Blueprint. Please send me more information along with the template.


  833. Would like to see your template. Always open to some new ways! Thank you

  834. You have actually given valid instruction instead of lip service and promises… I will commit to the 3 step private money process.

  835. I have been intensively looking for the proper way to “offer opportunities” to private investors for quite a while now. I am looking forward to this being the answer to what I am have been working towards!!! Thank you!!!

  836. Great information. I’m going to definitely appt this system. Thanks a lot

  837. Thanks. Good Info

  838. Geat information that get’s the point and yes I will commit to using the Private Money Blue Print.

  839. I am Committed to the 3 step process. I need the Funds
    Daniel R

  840. I’m all in. 100% committed.

  841. Would like the 3 step process and bleprint

  842. I will comment to Patrick’s 3 step private money process.

  843. Looking forward to checking out the checklist!

  844. Thanks so much for the info. Trying desperately to receive funds to start an initiative that will train and employ some Vets in my area.. I am committed to your system

  845. Ready for some House Flipping!

  846. Could Patrick please call me and give me some guidance on my first deal. It can be the difference of doing it right or losing $33,000

  847. I always like your content. Thanks for sharing your expertise. It always makes sense.
    Cheryl F.

  848. Yes I am all in thx

  849. I’m in! Sign me up please.

  850. I’m in…..sign me up, please.

  851. Great presentation, I’ll commit. Looking for more information

  852. I will commit to pmbp.

  853. Great stuff as always. Looking forward to seeing the template.

  854. Great material!Iam ready for more.

  855. I’m committed to your pmbp!

  856. I’m on board with my commitment. Ready to do this

  857. I would like to have the 3 step process and the right questions to ask and where do I get the list of people to approach

  858. THANKS THIS WILL HELP. If any one have 700 fico need 200k to 500k email you name contact and email I will send you info. at; [email protected] Pastor Karen Thanks God Bless

  859. Patrick Thanks this will help. Private money if anyone have a 700 fico No document verification email me your name contact email; [email protected]

  860. I will commit to pmbp.

  861. As usual, great content!

  862. I like the info. I’ll commit to doing it.

  863. Haven’t tuned in for a while. Trying to get back to listening more consistently. Need to commit to your 3 step process to get more private money. Just working with 1 investor right now. Thanks for the encouragement. Better email is [email protected]

  864. I will commit to the private money blueprint 3 step process. Please email me back your template. I am a PMOD member would it be the same?

  865. Thanks for the info. Jerome

  866. Love the approach — it’s simple and straightforward and I will definitely use it as the foundation to get the private money I need to drive my real estate investment business forward. Thanks.

  867. You have a good bluprint. Looking forward to the process.

  868. Patrick,

    Your selfless nature is at an all time new high!
    Thank you for the Template.


  869. looking forward to the loan template

  870. Looking forward to the finding Private Money Commitment

  871. Very excited to be part of the team. Ready to make money let go.

  872. I commit to finding private lenders using the 3 step process.

  873. Information is very educational like all the content you provide look forward committing too 3 step process and blueprint……And templates…

  874. Great information. I definitely learn something today.

  875. I am committed to the private money blueprint.

  876. I appreciate your straight forward messages. They help.

  877. Patrick,
    Consider us Committed! Looking forward to the template…

  878. Patrick, I will commit to the 3 step process for finding private money. Thank you so much!

  879. I would love to more about the Loan Offering Template and how it can take my business to the next level.

  880. Nice work, thank you! I’m committed to private money!

  881. Great stuff Patrick!! I have been following you for some time….I really like your PMBP system. Thank you for sharing..

  882. Awesome stuff!!! I will commit to private money blueprint

  883. Great content

  884. I thank you for those 3 steps, and I really appreciate your time. Keep up the good work sir.
    Joe Kaako

  885. I thank you again and looking forward to working with you…

  886. Very informative. You always have to follow he correct steps to get a positive response.

  887. Looking forward to putting it to use.

  888. Good content, thank you. Send me the template.

  889. i will commit to buy all the r.e. possible to better my self. for health and happiness with private money NO MATTER WHAT!

  890. I commit to the 3-step process. Thanks for the info!

  891. I will commit to the private money blue print.

  892. I will commit to 3 step process, can’t wait to use it!

  893. Well done presentation and a much better investment than all those gurus that miss the point you state so succinctly. Well done!

  894. I look forward to seeing this in action.

  895. I will commit to the 3 steps in the Private Money Blueprint.

  896. I appreciate your ongoing work and this great help tous.


  898. One of the most succinct and spot on presentations this newbie has seen. Than you.
    Michael Mitwol

  899. I will commit to the private money blue print.

  900. Sounds interesting.

  901. I will commit to the pmb.

  902. Very helpful and encouraging, but I am not clear on figuring the ROI?


  904. I think I got that AHA moment! Great video and info!

  905. Committed. About to post the other templates and hoping to reign in some other deals.

  906. I commit to the three step private money blueprint. Send me the templates and let’s rock and roll

  907. I commit to the three step private money blueprint. I believe that this is exactly what I need to take my RE investing to the next level. Thanks so much. Looking forward to the template.

  908. Will follow three step Blueprint, of course! Why wouldn’t one? (:

  909. I am absolutely committed to the three step process. I look forward to putting it into action.

  910. Good stuff! I’m doing this.

  911. Awesome ınformatıon. Thanks Patrıck.. I want to commıt but stıll have fears.. More help needed:)

  912. I am committed to the pmb 3 step process. Thanks for your guidance, time, and assistance as I look forward to using this information to greatly scale my real estate investing business.

  913. Yes, I really need help in this area

  914. Hey Mr. Riddle,
    Great job on the video, and thanks for the training! It seems as though I’d definitely benefit from committing to your “Private Money Blueprint” system! Thanks again, & I’m looking forward for the “free download” offer to help me present my cases! Keep up the great work brother!

  915. Great Info… thanks for sharing

  916. Your 3 step video presentation was very informative. It has changed the way I will approach private money lenders from here on in.

  917. I’ll commit to the 3-step process. Please send the template. Thank you.

  918. Great content, in the video!!

  919. We are committed to using the blueprint and template.

  920. I’m committed

  921. I commit to learning and using your 3 step getting private money concept

  922. Wow, this is really good stuff!

  923. Patrick – I love the help you are providing and the way you and JP break things down into bite size chunks. I will commit to the 3 step pmbp.

  924. Most companies do not respond back to emails and you fir that commitment. .. i am committed…

  925. Very excited … for your response to my email. I am able to push forward and stay committed

  926. I AM ALL IN. I want better for my family and I KNOW it is attainable.

  927. Nice information as always Patrick!

  928. Thanks Patrick for all the content – you are always giving great stuff and this definitely rocks thanks.

  929. Great content,please send download. Thank you.

  930. Awesome stuff! Looking forward to putting the template to work!

  931. Thanks for your insightful info. Will look forward to all future info & updates !

  932. I am in debt to the tune of $80k because I listened to some guru company and got all of these credit cards to pay for their program and now I am close to using our home. I really need some true info on how I can find funding to do something so that I can save our home. I really don’t have a lot of skill in investing and those that were supposed to mentor me has taken the money and are gone. I am so desperate right now and don’t have the nerve to tell my wife we are almost out in the street. Can you help me?


  933. Great Info Patrick!

  934. I am in looking forward to the simplicity of using the 3 steps. Looking for success

  935. I’m committed Patrick.

    Took notes and ready to get going.


  937. So simple to follow. Even I can’t mess this up.

  938. I have never tried private money and this lesson has given me enough inspiration to try it for the first time.

  939. I definitely commit to the PRIVATE MONEY BLUEPRINT 3-STEP PROCESS.
    This information is awesome and necessary. I look forward to the Loan Offering template.

  940. Great info! Can’t wait to check out the template!

  941. I have private $ blueprint and will review again as this is a simple process to follow. Thanks for the informative instructions.

  942. Patrick,

    I am committed to PMBP 100%


  944. I’m ready to get off my scared butt and take charge and do some deals.

    • I can’t seem to find my email, can it be resent

  945. Patrick,
    The 3 steps approach to obtain PM you’re recommending makes a lot of sense. I pledge my commitment to follow your lead to access PM funding.

  946. Thank you

  947. I will commit to following PMBP

  948. Hey,
    I’m lazy; I admit. Would love to have your template as a great starting point and will follow it!

  949. This information. Is actionable. I can’t wait to get my first loan using this simple plan.
    Please send the template

  950. Found you by accident but I’m loving it!! Love the video & all the content is beyong great, very, very informative. My head is spinning. Can’t wait to start. Thanks for all.

  951. I am committed…Good luck and happy investing

  952. I will commit to following PMBP

  953. Great content, I will put it use and keep you updated on my progress.

    Thank you.

  954. This is what we need in our business!

  955. thanks your information is outstanding

  956. very powerful information. I cant wait to use this new system

  957. PMBP is a great product. The follow up training alone is worth more than the cost of the whole shebang.

  958. Will commit to 3 step process. Great video. Looking forward to next videos!

  959. I would love to use your template!

  960. Looks truly awesome!

  961. great article! Please send me letter.

  962. Definitely committed to success!

  963. Great info! Can’t wait to check out the template!

  964. Nice tool to have under your belt.

  965. I will absolutely commit to the 3-step process. I appreciate all the valuable information that you consistently provide.
    Please send the template. Thank you!

  966. Committing to the PMBP 3 step process.

  967. I appreciate your support and willingness to help others get started in the real-estate business. Thank you for giving us a helping hand.

  968. Very informative and inspiring.

    I will commit to following the Private Money Blue Print!

    Look forward to the template!

  969. You always send great info out. Thanks

  970. Can’t wait to give it a try.

  971. Awesome! This information is very insightful. Yes, it’s has certainly given me the AHA moment. The PMBP is the missing link to funding my commercial deals. Send the tool ASAP!

    Thanks Patrick!

  972. Hi Patrick,

    great info thanks please send templates

  973. Thanks for the information… i will definitely commit to the 3 Step process. like you said if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

  974. Good content, simple and actionable.

  975. I will definitely be practicing this technique. I already have some people in mind. Thanks for the information!

  976. Please send my dowload

  977. I’m here to commit. In 100% thanks for helping us out.

  978. Great information on private money, just this little bit of information open up my eyes, so yes I commit to the private money blue print program.

    thank you.

  979. Good approach. I like how you flip it and qualify the prospect. I have been in sales a long time and don’t know why I wasn’t doing it that way all along.

  980. Hey Patrick,

    Great review for me. I always tweek when needed.


  981. I’m committed to the “3-Step Private Money Process”… Good stuff!!

  982. Thanks for the info. It is helpful. Keep up the good work.
    I haven’t had any success yet. But I am going to keep on trying. Banks and financial institutions are a pain in the neck.

  983. Hey Patrick, Marc here…Nice information. I would like to send a copy of one of my investment portfolio. I would love your opinion….Thanks.

  984. WOW! Great content and learned a lot!

  985. Thank you once again Patrick for the great content..

  986. The presentation was great. Looking forward to being part of PMBP.

  987. good stuff. sounds like a no brainer.

  988. Very informative. I will commit to the PMBP process

  989. Patrick
    I have been a PMBP member for awhile but have not committed to using your system.. I will make a concerted effort to put it to use. Keep up the great mentoring!!

  990. Motivate … too often skipped over. I’ll give the 3-step a try.

  991. Patrick,

    This might be the most powerful, simplistic, no-holds barred, non-hype, straightforward approach I’ve heard yet to getting private funds. Not only do I commit to using PMBP to fund future deals, I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse on that red leather chair with PMBP funds to back the deal! Thanks for the great info you always provide. Keep it coming, you are the man!

  992. Hi Patrick,
    Look forward to joining your network and helping each others business grow.

  993. Thanks for the template!

  994. OH yes I am COMMITTED

  995. Enjoyed the information and simplicity of it all.

    I’m committed.


  996. Patrick, Great content and material both you and your team provides thank you for the template.

  997. I am committed to the 3 step process.

  998. Good video clip. 3-step process is a good concept. Thanks for the info.

  999. Great info bro…

  1000. Really looking forward to seeing your template.

  1001. Great stuff. Best private money content I’ve heard in 15 years of investing.

  1002. Great content. Thank You!

  1003. Very cool stuff. Thanks for sharing

  1004. The 3-Step RPM process will be my blueprint-I commit

  1005. I will commit to the three step process. Please send the template.
    Thanks as always for the great information.

  1006. Great info on private funding! Can’t wait to start implementing the three step strategies and start crushing deals! Thanks again PMB!

  1007. Cool Stuff! Keep it up, we love the content

  1008. I will commit to the 3-step private money blueprint.

  1009. great work and very generous making the information available

  1010. Good information. Look forward to using the PMBP!!

  1011. Hey Patrick, to say I’m a novice is a profound understatement. I have been interested in this industry for a few years now but since early on have came to the realization that my biggest hurdle is operating capital. I am very excited to have the opportunity to learn, and put into practice as soon as possible, the apparently relatively easy procedures to resolve that issue through the guidance and knowledge that you are presenting. I’ve just recently found you but rest assured in very little time we will come to know each other well. Thanks in advance and I will look forward to hearing as much as you care to share and will, after I am satisfied that I am comfortable with my grasp of the knowledge, share with all that will listen. I am not in the habit of force feeding anyone, anything but when I become clearly aware I feel compelled to share. Thanks again, Clyde

  1012. I’m ready to lose the fear and commit to the 3 step process and take massive action. Thanks for always giving great advice!!

  1013. Hi Patrick — Thanks for the training and thanks for the BluePrint. You know how to make it easy.

    Thanks and regards,

    Robert M. Levenson, Esquire
    BlackAcre 1031 Exchange Services LLC

  1014. Great Stuff

  1015. Looks good. Let’s commit to go forward. Thanks

  1016. Thank you for this great info. I will commit to it.

  1017. Thanks great stuff this will be very helpful

  1018. Looking forward to working with the Private Money BluePrint. Please email the Loan Offering Template. Thanks

  1019. Excellent!

    Thank you Patrick.
    God bless,

  1020. Interesting,I would like to commit to the private money blue print.

  1021. Hey Patrick, Talk about right on time this private money blog, and three step process is just what I need. I was about to set up for getting private money for some deals I have, and opened this. I will for sure commit to the proven three step process. Please send template. Thanks very much, looking forward to great profit success. Wilson

  1022. Thanks for the info! Im committing to the system as of today! Time to make something shake! #BOOM

  1023. Great information Patrick. Looks like a great system. Please send me the template and info on the program.

  1024. Hey Patrick, I’m committed to the 3 step process and more.Let’s get started.

  1025. Hey Patrick,Please send me the template asap!…. Thanks

  1026. Great presentation. Thanks so much for the information.

    Please send me the templete

  1027. As always, great stuff Patrick. Thanks for sharing. I will wholeheartedly commit to PMBP!

  1028. Good stuff. Looking forward to putting this work when I finally get started. Thanks!

  1029. Sounds like a nice piece of work and knowledge to have on board. I’m thankful for the opportunity.

  1030. Sounds like a nice piece of investment work and knowledge to have on board. I’m thankful for the opportunity. This can and will improve my investment strategy.

  1031. Great presentation on getting private money.

  1032. This is great stuff Patrick, keep up the good work!

  1033. One of the things that I appreciate about life; is that no matter what anyone says, it usually boils down to money, and the acquisition of more money.

    This video, and the information provided, gets everyone 1 step closer, to GETTING that money.

    Good job.

  1034. Great stuff. Can’t wait to see if it works.

  1035. I like your materiel. Very useful

  1036. Yo, P-Ridd. You are the MAN now. You have it together and always on top of things for US. I love it when you give us your strategies to help us all out. Really great info as usual. Thanks in advance Bro for the template. This stuff always comes in handy.

  1037. Patrick, I appreciate your experience and your willingness to share. I’ve seen this information before, but appreciate hearing it again

  1038. Looking forward to using this in my business.

  1039. Thank you for this information. I’m a new member and still working through the material but I am committed to using the 3-step process. Please send over the loan offering template.

  1040. Committed

  1041. Yes I am a Committed worker on this
    Please do send me the Template
    [email protected]

  1042. Inspiring presentation and as a newbie to the real estate investing world I have found a lot of good info from Patrick. Cant wait to get the PMBP and really begin to crush it!

  1043. Good Stuff! Great steps.

  1044. excellent easy to follow thanks for sharing anxious to start implementing the system! I am committed!

  1045. excellent & easy to understand We are committed!

  1046. I’m all in! To the nth degree….

  1047. I’m all in! To the nth degree. …

  1048. That was excellent info! You definitely talked about what’s holding me back…not having a plan!

  1049. Hey Pat,
    Great stuff,Looking forward to it.


  1051. Great Info!! looking to the next video

  1052. Enjoyed part 1 of your 3-part series. Thank you, and i look forward to receiving parts 2 & 3. I look forward to utikizing yiur template.

  1053. Will commit to the three steps you meantioned. Also will immediately implement you template as well. Very good educational info.

  1054. Very interesting,looking forward to hear more, Mike

  1055. Awesome video as usual. I enjoy your insight tremendously. Thank you.

  1056. I have been amzed how Patrick is able to give away so much content for free over the years: private money

  1057. looking forward to reviewing the template

  1058. My big problem has been trying to figure out how to approach someone about being a private lender your PMBP should do that for me…Thanks Patrick

  1059. Hi Patrick I am committed to following and sticking to the PMBP 3 STEP Plan to the letter makes sense. I can see Myself turning the tables doing the Eval on the Money Person
    That was Sweet……Value .

  1060. Patrick,
    Great info as usual
    I will commit to PMBP process

  1061. Great advice, great video. Thanks for sharing. Key take away for me is managing investor relationships. This is one area I need to improve, engage more with people …

  1062. I’m all set to use to the 3 steps! Can’t wait until I get the template! Thank you for your video.

  1063. Show me the money.

  1064. A little taste of knowledge will open your desire to learn. Good work.

  1065. Excellent video. Very insightful. Looking forward to making this happen and raise lots of cash!

  1066. Great information look forward to using template

  1067. I will commit to the private money blueprint’s 3 step proven strategy.

  1068. That was Awesome this was the missing information something I have been needing. Yo!! my friend I will commit to using the 3 step process and that part 1 explanation on what to say I never thought about a Big picture and paint I always spilled the beans I am not ashamed to admit it. However thanks for the video in helping me and others like me obtain the information needed to move forward.

  1069. Patrick, I enjoy reading all your emails and sharing your personal advice/experience w/ your network. Please keep us informed. Looking for your Template ASAP.

  1070. I commit to the 3 step process.

  1071. Hey Patrick, that was some great content for PM Funding, Thank You I would like the Template for accessing private money.

  1072. The step by step process of getting private money will make my business grow quickly, thanks a lot

    John E Crews

  1073. I am committed to the three step Private Money Blueprint 100% Cant wait for the template!

  1074. I am looking forward to implement your method. Great opportunities in commercial & industrial real estate in Brazil. Because of exchange rate, it is cheaper to buy here now, very good ROIs.

  1075. As always, Great Stuff! Thanks.

  1076. Your message was eye opening and I am very much interseted in moving foreward

  1077. I am quite motivated to make this a success, I do look forward to receiving the template.

  1078. Sounds good to me!

  1079. Always good. Thanks

  1080. Love the video. Anxious to see what the presentation looks like. Thanks for the information.

  1081. Hi. Great video. You always have great content.

  1082. Great content! Looking forward to your template.


  1083. I am committed

  1084. This is a 3 step process I can commit to. Please send the blueprint!

  1085. Thanks

  1086. good content. will use it. Thanks.

  1087. I will commit to the blue print training.

  1088. You gave me big help in this area. Thank you

  1089. Thanks. Look forward to working together

  1090. The content was VERY helpful and did give me an AHA moment…I will commit to the “Private Money Blueprint and 3 Step Process” and am excited about sharing the concept with others!!!

  1091. I commit to the PMP!! Thanks for the info!

  1092. The info you share is always very helpful.

  1093. This information is unreal Patrick. I’m actually on my way to locking down some deals. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  1094. I will commit to the 3 step process.

  1095. I will do it.

  1096. Excellent content Patrick,very informative and motivational. Looking forward for the P.M. Blueprint and to learn more from your expertise.

  1097. I am committed to using the 3-step PMBP in my new business. Thanks Patrick for some some great info on PM and OPM.

  1098. This is really great stuff. Thanks for sharing.

  1099. I commit to this process…I need a change!

  1100. great stuff !

    keep it coming.

  1101. That clears up a few things !

  1102. Thank You, for sharing the Three Step Process, and Building Credibility by Association and Akido. These will make awesome tools.

    I will also appreciate the Private Loan Template, thank you very much!!

  1103. Patrick,Great info thanks Ilook forward to seeing this in action

  1104. Good, practical information.
    A very easy to understand process.
    Thanks, I can commit to that.

  1105. Thank You Pat,
    I am a new investor. This will save me a ton of headaches.
    Thanks again.

  1106. Hi Patrick,

    I found your information to be very definitive, to the point, and am looking forward to receiving the template.

    Thank you in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you again!

  1107. Thanks Patrick! I am committed to following your 3-step process and I am ready with two new construction projects. Please send the template.

  1108. Committed!

  1109. Great Info . Thanks

  1110. Great presentation can”t wait to start using the template

  1111. I’m in! Send me the details!

  1112. I am committed to the 3 step PMBP! Yes

  1113. yes thank you this would be very helpful. please send it

  1114. I will committed and i’m super excited about the private money blueprint. Thanks!

  1115. Hey Patrick, I’ve been buying and selling real estate for over 17 yrs now and always used the same investor on my deals until recently…I’ve never really had to look for money until now. Looking forward to the friendship!

  1116. I am committed to the three step process and getting private money!!! Looking forward to receiving that template and getting going!

  1117. Yes, I am committed.

  1118. Hey Patrick,Thanks for the information, I will follow your 3- steps process and be committed to the PMBP- System.

  1119. Simple. Concise, but great info and teaching. Thanks.

  1120. Today is the beginning of a wonderful and fruitful
    relationship Patrick my man!!!!

  1121. Thanks for the quick step by step!

  1122. I am making a commitment to the 3-step process of getting private money.
    Lets make some Deals!!!

  1123. Great information Patrick. I’m interested in your blueprint.

  1124. I’m committed to learning more about private lending.

    Will you please send me the template

  1125. I am wholesaling houses in the Kansas city and st Louis area so I need a lot more private money. Your video is great , I hope that I can find more private lenders with your methods. Please send me the template and if anyone needs off market houses then go to

  1126. That was great advice,yes i am committed!

  1127. Hey Patrick,Thanks for the information.
    I am committed.

  1128. I will commit to the 3 step process.Thanks.

  1129. Awesome video Patrick. It’s packed with good information for all investors.

    Thank you,

  1130. I am so committed to learning much more about private lending!

  1131. Patrick, I commit to using your steps to acquire private funds for my deals! Let’s goooooo!

  1132. I’m committed to PMBP. You are always willing to help out fellow RE investors. Love your give back attitude.

    Kind regards,


  1133. I commit please send the template

  1134. Love the videos. This process is working. Send me the template….Awesome!

  1135. COMMITTED!Over the past 2 1/2 years I have done well making money for others now I’m ready to put those skills to work for myself and an astute investor who understands the power of synergy in relationships.

  1136. COMMITTED! Over the last 2 1/2 years I have helped others to make some nice money in real estate investing and now I’m ready to put that experience and energy to work for myself and an astute investor who understands the power of synergy in relationships. Thanks Patrick! Looking forward to working with the tools and processes of the Private Money Blueprint!

  1137. That made cents, I’ll try it out next time.


  1139. great info.

  1140. Great Info !!

    Great Offer !!

  1141. Great Info

    and a

    Great Offer !

  1142. Ready to commit to Private Money Blueprint.
    I have been in the business for a few years now.
    Getting access to private money is what I need to take my business to the next step.

  1143. GREAT INFO

  1144. Great idea looking forward to using the template!

  1145. Great thought process!!! I am definitely committed. Let’s do it!!

  1146. Hey Patrick,I am fired up and honored to be part of the PMBP TEAM! I am commited to PMBP’s,proven 3-step private money process, and I would appreciate recieving the Loan Offering Template that you are offering.YOU CAN’T DO A GOOD JOB,WITHOUT THE RIGHT TOOLS,and I thank you for helping us do it Right!!

  1147. You would have to be on another planet, to not be fully committed with this 3 point action system. I gladly commit. And let the chips fall wherever. Now!!
    Lets make it happen today!!!

  1148. Thanks Patrick for the awesome lesson in the video about the process for getting private money. I believe it is something that I can apply to the situation I am in.

  1149. I am willing to commit to the blueprint.I liked the videos a whole bunch.I’m in lets Go !!!

  1150. Great stuff, happy to commit….

  1151. Thanks for the great information!!

  1152. Nice informational motivation video. Looking forward to getting the template.

  1153. Great content….as always..

  1154. I will commit, Please send me the template. Thanks
    [email protected]

  1155. Will do. Please include me, thanks.

  1156. HI Patrick,
    I will commit to your 3 step program as I’m a salesman from a sales oriented family. Your program is typical sales training technique and really works!

  1157. I will commit to the private money blue print

  1158. I will commit to Private Money Blueprint’s proven 3-step private money process 🙂

  1159. I commit!

  1160. I am committed to the 3-step process for Private Money and would like the template.

    P.S. I bought the Private Money Blueprint when it was first offered. Remember me?

  1161. I appreciate the template and the video it was great info I will keep you posted in my success

  1162. I will commit to the 3-step process for getting private money.

  1163. I’m committed to PMBP’s proven 3-step private money process.

  1164. There is now where to go but up. I’m all committed to the 3-step process for Private Money and would love the template!

  1165. I am committed to the 3-step process for Private Money and would like the template.

  1166. Enjoyed learning the 3 step process and can’t wait for the template Thanks for all you do

  1167. Logical and step-wise. Please send me template. Will put it to use on my first good deal. Thanks.

  1168. I commit! I look forward to receiving the template.

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