The Books You Read And The People You Meet

Hey, not sure if you’ve heard this before… but it’s been said that…

You are the same today as you will be in 5 years except for two things, the books you read and the people you meet.

Do you read good books regularly? books that inspire, inform, educate? books that challenge you to be, do and have more?

Let me tell you a story…

Growing up, I was never much of a reader. Anytime I was supposed to read a book for school, I grabbed the Cliff Notes. I didn’t enjoy reading and didn’t feel like I was very good at it.

When I got into real estate investing, the first thing I did was venture into unknown territory… Barnes and Noble. I picked up a couple books, started reading one… and my life changed forever.

Reading real estate investing books led to personal development… and everything non-fiction I could get my hands on to learn more. I decided to become an avid reader (keyword “decided”). And over time, I started enjoying reading more and got better at it.

Since getting started investing in real estate, I’ve read hundreds of books (prob 350 or so)…on subjects such as communication, sales, marketing, management, finance, success, mindset, goal setting, business development… anything and everything that adds to the value I bring to the marketplace.

Do you think that has had an impact on my success in my businesses and life?

It’s been HUGE!

I say all of this to say… become an avid reader. Make it a habit. Always have a good book at your side. It’ll change your life.

As my mentor Jim Rohn said, “To reach higher levels of success, you must stand on the books you read.

And what about the people you meet? Remember, you’re the same person today as you’ll be in 5 years… except for the books you read AND the people you meet.

Are you meeting new people on a regular basis? people who are where you want to be, people who inspire you, people who can become strategic partners for your biz?

If not, why?

Does it make you “uncomfortable?” Well, please excuse the strong language but…


As George Addair said, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” So if you’re letting fear hold you back from growing your network, from meeting new positive people… you’re making a big mistake.

Want to grow a thriving real estate investing business and live an epic life? What books are you reading and people are you meeting… on a consistent basis to make that happen?

That’s the question.

– Patrick

P.S. – Here are a few of my favorite books I read this year… Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, Good to Great by Jim Collins, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish, Happiness at Work by Srikumar Rao. What was one of your favorites this year?

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10 Hour Wholesaler


  1. I just want to say thanks for sharing your brain & words of wisdom..

    • You’re welcome Michael. Glad you enjoyed the article.

      – Patrick

  2. Busting Loose From The Money Game by Robert Scheinfield. Also reread Power of Positive Thinking this year and I read Think and Grow Rich at least once a year.

    Thanks for the positive thoughts and great suggestions. Those books will all be new adds to my 2012 reading list.

    • Thanks for the book suggestions Joel. I haven’t read the “Busting Loose” book.

      Yeah I reread Think and Grow Rich once a year too. Powerful stuff!

      – Patrick

  3. Hey Patrick! As always awesome advice. You’ve told us this many times and I finally made it a habit! All thanks to one of your recommended reads “The Compound Effect” and one of it’s recommendations of finding an Accountability Partner. I should say one who found us, just happen to be exactly at the time we were looking for one. Funny how those things work out! I’ve struggled for literally years with writing out goals and sticking to action plans. This book truly put me on target with what I need to do and it’s working great! I’ve done more in the past 2 weeks to reach my goals than probably the past 2 years combined. I’m reading three books now and replaced TV time with something that is actually helping me to grow. That’s huge improvement over wasting time with the TV and reading zero. Listen to Patrick – he knows what he’s talking about!

    • I love it Carlton!! Congrats on making a big shift with your spare time… and using it to learn and grow now.

      Becoming an avid reader has made (and continues to make) an immeasurable impact on my biz and daily life.

      Keep it up man!

      – Patrick

  4. Hi, thanks great food for thought. I read daily and found that some of the best advice comes from reading. My favotires books are How to win Friends and influence people ( must read) Maximum Achievement, Unlimited Power and What would Napoleon Hill Do, all great books. Thanks and have a great Holiday season.

    • Yep, I’ve definitely found that some (most) of the best advice I’ve gotten comes from good books. Just reread How To Win Friends.. a classic!

      I haven’t heard of “What would Napoleon Hill Do.” I’ll have to check it out.

      – Patrick

  5. Two that I got a lot out of are THE RICHEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED by Steven K Scott and THE EVERYDAY VISIONARY by Jesse Duplantis.
    Thanks for all the encouragement!

    • Hello Teresa K
      I’m a member of P Rid’s group and I was wondering how much experience you have I am just starting out. Would love 2 commnicate with a fellow member. I am a Christian and love your choice of Pastor Jesse. Maybe we could talk.

      Thanks May God bless u
      Paul Shoe

    • Hey Teresa, you’re welcome. And thank YOU for the book suggestions 🙂

      – Patrick

  6. Reading books that up your attitude is great. Reading books and taking courses that increase your specific real estate investing knowledge is mandatory. Learning how to use the financial calculator will serve you well, especially if you are going to use private money.

    The title to the post included people to know. Please consider becoming active in your local REIA, Real Estate Investors Association. As a Newbie, when I first joined, I read everything in the REIA library. I then asked seasoned members to look at properties with me and check over my evaluation of the numbers and the condition. Taking them out to lunch as “payment” made friendships that have lasted.

    • Hey Coach Mitch,

      Thanks for adding value to the post here. Yep, local REIA groups are a HUGE resource that many investors don’t leverage.

      Listen to Coach Mitch and become active in your local investor group!!

      – Patrick

  7. It was Charlie Tremendous Jones who coined the phrase “5 years from now, you will be the books your read and the people YOU ASSOCIATE WITH.” He would then explain we should be very careful about the books we choose ans the people we choose to spend time with.
    He also said “Readers are leaders, and leaders are readers!”

    • Good stuff Brad! Thanks for joining the conversation.

      – Patrick

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