Get Instant Credibility with Your Private Lenders (While Making Your Life Easier)

2014-09-15-260If you’re interested in getting lenders for your private deals, I have a great resource that I’m going to share with you today. This resource offers two strong benefits:

1- It gives you instant credibility and builds further trust and rapport with your private lenders.

2- And it also outsources a lot of the icky details that many investors flat out mess up.

The double-whammy benefit

This is a resource called Evergreen Note Servicing Co. They’ve been in business for 30+ years and they service such transactions as:

  • Seller-Financed Payments
  • Long-Term Escrows
  • Private Notes
  • Mortgages
  • Real Estate Contracts
  • Rentals

You can even download their forms right off their website. Now that’s a winner.

Give your business a WOW factor

Basically, what happens is as soon as you get a private lender on board with one of your deals, you turn around and get that loan set up with Evergreen. Once the deal closes, Evergreen will send your investor a packet of information, which is super slick and professional looking…

This adds a huge WOW factor to how you conduct your business. It allows you to leverage the credibility of a large, successful company.

They handle things like payments to the private lender…

No matter if you’re paying on a monthly schedule, quarterly or even annually, they’ll handle those transactions for you. They’ll also send out the 1099s (if your investors request one) based on how much interest income they’ve received from working with you.

Your lender will be SO impressed.

I strongly suggest that you use this type of service because it takes a ton of detail work off your plate. Add to that the second benefit of building trust with your lender because you have a professional company handling all these details for you and you’re golden…

You look like a pro, your workload becomes lighter and more organized, and your life becomes easier.

You should set this investor strategy in motion today.

Patrick RiddleWe want to hear from you

Are any of you out there already using this service? Or one like it? We’d love to hear how it’s working for you. Give us the pros and the cons. We want to know. Leave your comments below. (And questions too.)

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